A Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held in the OLD SCHOOL Hall Dorstone on Wednesday 27th March 2024 at 7-30pm

Present; Councillor A Phillips, Chairman, Councillor D Edmiston, Councillor S Goodwin, Councillor D Lonsdale, Councillor J Morgan, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Clerk.

Also present; Ward Councillor P Price

Apologies; Councillor B James, business commitment

No declaration of Interest.

The date of the meeting had been changed to allow outstanding lengthsman work to be completed.

The minutes of February 21st 2024th, which had been circulated, were agreed

a) Re Golden Valley Police, February circulated.
b) Ward Councillor, briefing on OFSTED report, Childrens services, adult care figures, slightly down, capital of £35 million for Southern Relief Road
c) (OPCC) Office Police & Crime Commissioner: Election May 2nd 2024
d) Parish Council Priorities for local policing, Council were requested to consider three community issues, agreed presence in area of the police, rural crime prevention & speeding on the B4348. three type/frequency of contact, monthly newsletter, three-month meeting attendance & surgery at Friendly Fridays. Information on any financial support for property cameras would be sought

Planning Consultation
APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 240400 - Golden View, Dorstone, Herefordshire, HR3 6AY DESCRIPTION: Proposed replacement dwelling
Application assigned to Councillor S Goodwin
Application had not yet delegated to a planning officer
Five representations noted on Herefordshire Council website. Councillors noted no planning officer has been delegated for this application. Councillors resolved to wait, whilst points raised by the consultees have been answered, and they have had opportunity to consider them, before making a decision on the application

a) Pay Clerks salary February 2024 £147.02, less adjustment £12.84= £134.18
b) Issue cheque for 000902 £40, not received by Information Commissioner
c) Pay Lengthsmen £850
d) HMRC account £106.30
e) Pay Clerks expenses 2023-2024, £120.34
f) Village hall account, hire of Hall; & £200 donation towards Public Conveniences, total £551

All payments authorised
f) Donation 2023/2024; applications/information sent to Village Hall & Playing Field, none returned
g) To receive update moving money from current account to savings account, bank
will not carry out automatic transfer, agreed signed request to be made £10,000

Information from HALC, circulated

Highway Issues
a) Update on autumn drain cleaning Councillor A Phillips reported work had been completed, three drains unable to unblock, clerk had registered with Balfour Beatty. Councillor Phillips had discussed work for 2024-2025 wit the lengthsman, he was available to carry out the work.
b) Flooding Bridge Cottage/River Dore Bridge, update from Balfour Beatty had been received & circulated. Councillor A Phillips, Councillor D Londsdale, Dr & Mrs Hession, Mr R Goodwin & Mr C Hendy had met with Mr Chris Wright bridge Engineer on Monday March 25th. Copies of the three previous inspections had been received to adjoining land owners & councillors.
Mr Wright was only responsible for the bridge, explained the inspection carried out & bridge history. He understood there is no concrete invert under the bridge, only gravel.
It was noted there was undergrowth/brambles on the downside of the bridge, banking of silt in the bridge tunnels, left span limited flow.to aid flow silt would need removing downstream adjacent to bridge. Work on the river permission would have to be sought from the Environment Agency. Three small tree trunks had been reported adjacent to one of the upper stream bridge pillars, some debris within the neck of the bridge. Repaint parapet post & rails downstream repair impact damage top rail.
Mr Wright undertook to discuss with colleagues & report to the clerk
d) Road/closure/flooding C1207 by Gattimer Lane, no update received
e) Footpath, report from parishioner “The style that is at the top of Mill Wood at ///robe.sourcing.suitable the steps are no longer nailed on to the stile”
Clerk, unable to locate on Herefordshire Council map, requires path number, went back to parishioner, she has reported on line but no action, thought PC may help. Public Rights of Way emailed.
f) Road condition/markings Bell Junction. Councillor A Phillips had received parishioner concern on the road markings & reports of near misses with traffic entering the village from Hay on Wye & traffic from Mynddbrith. The road surface condition was also noted, area had been used to unload/load tarmac for Ponty-Weston road resurfacing, road condition had previously been raised. Agreed to raise with Balfour Beatty
g) Minor Work Funding
Lengthsman Scheme
The budget for this year’s Lengthsman Scheme has been increased by £250,000. This will see base funding of the scheme double for the year ahead with £120 per Km of C & U roads provided.
PROW Funding
From April the Council will be introducing a new £250,000 grant scheme for the Public Rights of Way (PROW) network. This scheme will enable Parish Councils to apply to Herefordshire Council for replacement of minor PROW assets including small bridges, stiles and gates. The scheme will also allow for funding for minor maintenance works on the PROW network by suitably qualified individuals. In order to access this funding Parish Councils will need to submit an expression of interest listing the works they wish to undertake and a rough cost estimate for materials or the work required.
Footpath Officers will try & walk footpaths to assess work required.
Local Drainage Funding
Herefordshire Council is launching a new Local Drainage Fund (LDF) which will provide grant funding for Parish Councils to address highway drainage issues in their locality. This scheme is at the early stage of development and at the moment we are taking expressions of interest from Parish Councils. We are primarily looking to fund schemes that stop surface water from flooding the highway l.
h) Note from locality steward March 19th 2024 “Dear all, Please note the last few months adverse weather and ongoing rain is wreaking havoc on the Network. We currently have 6000 Drainage and Pothole repairs awaiting action. Please accept these are being attended to as quickly as we can”

a) Insurance company contacted, policy renewal 1st June, no additional cost until then, possibly small increase 2024-2025.Defibrillator will be covered by public liability. Agreed to assume ownership from 1st June to allow time for training/registration etc.

Adoption of Herefordshire Minerals & Waste local
At a meeting of Herefordshire Council on 8 March 2024, it was resolved to adopt the Minerals and Waste Local Plan (MWLP). This can be viewed on Herefordshire Council website

Update on applying for a King’s portrait,
Public buildings can include church or village hall, have sent request to both if they would like to have a copy for display.
Church have requested information the parishioner who raised with the PC, discussed, raised by parishioner with Councillor D Phillips, agreed not to send parishioner details.
Village Hall request circulated to committee members, on balance don’t think a suitable location, never have had a portrait or photograph of the late Queen. Some members felt the Church would be a suitable place, particularly as the King is the Head of the Church of England.

Invitation to Herefordshire Local Plan Regulation 18, Launch/Events
The Local Plan sets out how development in the county will support housing and employment growth until 2041, and the infrastructure needed for their delivery, while at the same time achieving the Council’s social and environmental objectives.

The council are also undertaking some early engagement with members of the public and key stakeholders on a new Local Transport Plan for the county. This engagement runs alongside the Draft Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation as the two plans are linked.

The Local Transport Plan describes the travel infrastructure needed to support the Local Plan, including footways, cycle lanes, roads and bus services.
Display Wednesday 10th April 2024 at Ewyas Harold Village Hall 10-30am to 4-00pma

Councillor Price was requested to look into the possibility of display in Peterchurch afternoon/evening.

Herefordshire Council; Information
a) Partnership Information bulletin
b) Talk Community
c) Register of Interest

Date of next meeting; April 10th 2024
Chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09-25pm.

Signed………………….. Councillor A Phillips
April 10th 2024