A Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held in the OLD SCHOOL Hall Dorstone on Wednesday October 9th 2024 at 7-30pm
Present; Councillor A Phillips, Chairman, Councillor S Goodwin, Councillor B James, Councillor D Lonsdale, Councillor J Morgan, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Clerk.
Also present; Ward Councillor P Price, 4 parishioners
Apologies; Golden Valley Police. (Ward Councillor had indicated he would be late, attending another Parish Council meeting, arrived at 7-40pm)
No declaration of Interest.
Representation from the Public.
Flooding in Dore View, reported on the visit by Lengthsman, work carried out which had improved the drainage problem, subsequent visit by the Locality Steward.
Clerk informed representatives/councillors he had contacted the police with the queries raised at the last meeting.
Reply received;
Police are required to wear high visibility jackets when conducting roadside speed checks – this is a force policy as there have been recent incidents elsewhere in the force whereby officers have been hit by vehicles when standing on the roadside.
We endeavour to vary the times of our checks throughout the day. Rarely conduct checks from the playing field car park – the vast majority of our checks are conducted from Dore View, from where we have a good view of both directions.
Community Speedwatch Co-ordinator, will be letting us know when the speed data, is collected, nothing is heard by end of year will contact him
a) Golden Valley Police,
b) Ward Councillor September report circulated; Councillor Price gave an update from Herefordshire Council. Pleased to see good support for the parish council/Herefordshire Council meeting last night. Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy attended from the PC.
Ponty-Weston Stream
Clerk had met contractor, Mr Ben Reid, discussed work required at Dore Bridge, lower side, Oaklands Bridge, upper side, Bridge adjacent to Old Telephone Kiosk, Lower side, noted concrete haunching over water pipe stream bed, Brooklands Bridge, upper/lower sides, noted concrete over water pipe stream bed, BT pipe attached to bridge structure, he would arrange transportation of material removed. Quotation received for £850 +VAT, whilst aware of water pipes he would not take responsibility for damage
Unable to find another contractor to obtain quotation for work. Councillors discussed the quotation, noted comments about the water pipe damage, the concrete should be visible, agreed to accept quotation. Work to be carried out on Tuesday 16th.
Clerk had contacted Clerk of Works, he was available on Tuesday 16th
Testing of water in drains Chapel Lane. Herefordshire Council do not offer a water sampling service, supplied information on laboratories who may provide service. Agreed to wait until lengthsmen had cleaned drains in Chapel Lane.
Information on current planning procedures;
Once the application has been validated and scanned, consultations are sent to the statutory and non-statutory consultees, generally for a period of 21days. (it may be extended if advertisement in local press required). The application is then held until there is sufficient capacity for it to be allocated to a planning officer. In the interim site notices are erected and photographs taken.
Once the application is live, consultees and members of the public can make representations from that date, there is no need to wait for the erection of the yellow public notice or the publication of the application in the local press (if applicable). Once the site notice is erected, this may further extend the consultation period.
Planning Application
APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Re-consultation - 240400 - Golden View, Dorstone, Herefordshire, HR3 6AY DESCRIPTION: Proposed replacement dwelling.
This had been discussed previously, council had resolved to wait, whilst points raised by the consultees have been answered and they have had opportunity to consider them, before making a decision on the application”
Councillors considered the application, referred to the updated information on line, resolved to support the application.
Planning decisions
Old House Dorstone Hereford Herefordshire HR3 6BL,
Application for removal variation of condition 2 following grant of planning permission 202901 (Proposed self-contained holiday let) -to accommodate a change in roof pitch from 25 to 45 and a change in materials for the roof and external walls)
Determination Made, approved with conditions
APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 242052 - The Breeze Barns, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AS DESCRIPTION: Proposed replacement of large garden sun room with two small kitchen extensions.
Determination made, approved with conditions
To pay clerks salary for September £187.77
b) To pay HMRC £140.77
c) To pay lengthsmen £304
Payments authorised
Councillor James reported the pads on the defibrillator required changing, agreed new pads were obtained & invoice sent to Hall Committee, who had offered to pay costs for the defibrillator for 12 months.
External Auditor, had received and logged the notification of exempt status for the year ended 31 March 2024 submitted to us for Dorstone Parish Council. By notifying us that Dorstone Parish Council has claimed exemption there is no review to be performed and consequently no auditor certificate and report, or any other closure documentation, will be issued by us for this reporting year.
Clerk gave a half yearly financial summary and answered queries raised.
a) Drainage Dore View, blocked drain reported to Balfour Beatty, inspected, action proposed. Lengthsmen had checked all drains in Dore View, outlet blocked in field, permission had been obtained, drain unblocked. A further blockage had occurred, lengthsmen had returned & unblocked, improvement to water flow. Locality Steward had met residents & Councillor D Phillips, she is to investigate if pipe is adequate, drains from Bell Farm to Brooklands marked for cleaning by Balfour Beatty
b) The 30mph speed roundel on B4348 by Dore View had been reported missing, replaced
c) Footpath Officer Scheme, information circulated, also information from Herefordshire Association Local Councils. Councillor Edmiston & Councillor Goodwin to provide information requested
d) B4348 drainage, information from Councillor D Phillips had been circulated, there was no more funding for drainage work applications currently.
Councillor Morgan reported drainage problem at Scar Lane. Agreed he should discuss with land owner & drainage contractor for advice on remedial action.
Review of Polling Stations
Herefordshire Council is currently undertaking its review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations, which they are required to do every five years.
The review offers an opportunity to take account of known future changes, for example, where buildings have ceased or will cease to be capable of being used as polling stations and more suitable buildings that are, or are due to become, available.
Herefordshire Council
a) Partnership information
b) Talk Community, information & link sent to The Blast, team Community to be invited to Village Hall for Friendly Friday to promote Talk Community.
c) Herefordshire BID information, circulated on providing venues for films
d) Funding information sent to Hall & Playing Fields on energy efficiency grants
Next Meeting November 13th 2024 at 7-30pm
No further business the chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09-20pm.
Signed ……………………. Councillor A Phillips
November 13th 2024