A Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held in the OLD SCHOOL Hall Dorstone on Wednesday December 11th 2024 at 7-30pm
Present; Councillor A Phillips, Chairman, Councillor S Goodwin, Councillor B James, Councillor D Lonsdale, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Clerk.
Also present; 6 parishioners,
Apologies; Councillor D Edmiston, Councillor J Morgan, both had family commitment. Golden Valley Police.
No declaration of Interest.
Declaration of Interest
Representation from the Public
A number of parishioners from The Bage raised concern about the report from Herefordshire Council and the decision not to reduce the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph. As not all the parishioners had seen the report the clerk read it out.
Concern raised on for the B4348, bus stop, school & public, no footpath, post box, farms & houses Scotland Bank Lane entering/exiting. Did not believe the report had addressed the concerns.
An email from a parishioner at The Bage had also been received & supported the views of those present. Car had overturned after hitting the wall at Bage Pool Farm. The clerk reported he had contacted Clifford Parish Council clerk to enquire if they had received a copy of the report, they had not, copy sent. Clifford is going to discuss the report at the January meeting. A copy of the request made by the previous ward councillor a review of the speed limit at The Bage had been made to Herefordshire Council. Chairman outlined the reasons why Dorstone PC had suggested removal of centre white line & replacing with edge of carriageway white lines.
Car had overturned after hitting the wall at Bage Pool Barn
Minutes November 13th 2024, these had been circulated and were agreed
a) Golden Valley Police, speed Data Box, B4348 by Dore View, hope to be installed w/c Jan 13th 2025, delayed by weather conditions
b) Ward Councillor, storm report circulated
a) To pay clerks salary for November £187.77
b) To pay HMRC £140.85
Both payments approved
b) To set precept for 2025-2026
Councillors discussed setting a precept for 2025-2026. Currently the finances were very good, part of the expenditure on stream cleaning should be reimbursed. Whilst anticipated expenditure 2025/2026 was above the current precept of £6500, it was agreed to set the precept at £6500, any expenditure over this amount would be taken out of reserves.
a) Speed Limit report The Bage
Councillors considered the concerns raised by parishioners & the action of the clerk in submitting a copy of the report to Clifford Parish Council & seeking to obtain a copy of the request to review the speed limit. They noted the concerns raised and agreed to further discuss after Clifford councillors had discussed the report, footpath & part of speed limit is in Clifford
b) Flood Warden Scheme, update from Balfour Beatty, drainage engineer had indicated the scheme was a trial, currently parish councils could not sign up. Clerk had replied indicating Herefordshire Council website indicated opportunity for individuals to sign up to the scheme
c) Autumn Cleaning of parish drains. Councillor Phillips reported drains/gullies around the village & some roads had been inspected/cleaned, order for remainder of drains/gullies raised with completion be next meeting.
e) Highway defects reported, Flooding B4348 towards The Bage near Bage Bungalow, Balfour Beatty to investigate
f) Dore View
Herefordshire Council indicated estimated cost of speed survey £200 + vat. Roundels could be painted on the road, cost not known. There could be associated costs with traffic management when work undertaken.
Herefordshire council’s current criteria for use of Speed Indicator Devices is currently under review and at present allowed where there is a speed limit principally within village environments.
There are other criteria regarding visibility, edge of carriageway distance etc.
g) Information received from Councillor Morgan indicated parallel pipes would help alleviate the flooding on Scar Lane. Meeting with land owners & contractor would be arranged.
Old Telephone Kiosk
Councillors discussed the amendments they had made to the map with Mr T Arnott who would discuss with the artist.
Defibrillator The Bage
Information received from Councillor Morgan indicated a suitable location had been offered to mount a defibrillator on property at The Bage had been received. Further information would be requested regarding the site, access for electricity & payment for the electricity.
It was agreed to obtaining costing for a defibrillator, same model as currently available in the village. This would reduce the number of different pads/batteries required.
Carol Concert An invitation for a representative from the PC to give a reading at the village carol concert in the church had been received. No councillor was available to attend.
Herefordshire Council
a) Partnership information
b) Talk Community
c) Herefordshire Council Budget 2025-2026
Online budget consultation is now live, residents are invited to provide feedback via an online simulator tool which shows the impact of changes in income and expenditure on the delivery of services, as well as our online questionnaire.
Next Meeting January 8th 2025 at 7-30pm
Chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09.15pm
Signed …………………………. Councillor A Phillips
January 8th 2025