A Remote Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held on Wednesday October 14th 2020 Present: Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor M Hession, Councillor T Arnott, Councillor B James, Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett, Councillor A Phillips, Councillor D Phillips, & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk. Also present; Councillor J Hewitt, Ward Councillor, four parishioners Due to the Covid 19 crisis the Parish Council were meeting remotely. The displayed agenda indicated the link to the meeting. No declaration of Interest from members on any item to be discussed made. No representation from the Public The minutes of the meeting, September 9th 2020, having been circulated was approved. Planning Consultations: Application Number; 202918 Site Address; Farmstead south east of Bage Court, Dorstone,Hereford. Herefordshire HR3 5SU Description; Proposed installation of 2 No agricultural feed bins Application passed to Councillor A Phillips Letters of objection received by the clerk had been circulated to councillors; letter received prior to the meeting was read out. Letters of objection & support together with representation from Cadent & Forestry Commission were on Herefordshire Council Planning website. Councillor Phillips reported he had visited eight properties. Parish Council had been granted an extension to October 14th for their comments. The application for the installation of two feed bins was discussed, observed these were already erected. Councillors noted the representation received and posted on line, resolved by a majority to support the application. Application Number; 202901 Site address; Land at Old House, Common Bach, Dorstone, Herefordshire HR3 6BL Description; Proposed self- contained holiday let Application passed to Councillor T Usher No letters of support or objection received; representation from Welsh Water, Herefordshire Council Tree officer & Highways on Herefordshire Council Planning website. Parish Council granted an extension for comments until 14th October . Councillor Usher had carried out a mail drop of nearby properties. Councillors discussed the application for self-contained holiday let noting the representation posted on line, & resolved to support the application with the following comments; Dorstone Neighbourhood Plan; DNP T1 Tourism, DNP H2, noted highways comments regarding turning area, property to be used solely as a holiday let ancillary to Old House. Planning for the Future consultation, Councillor Usher had circulated document with comments to consider, these were discussed, amendments made and the revised document to be circulated. Reports; Ward Councillor; October report, received yesterday, had been circulated. Police/Fire, October report circulated Finance Clerks salary September £125 Her Majesty Revenue and Customs £94.66 Lengthsmen account £256 Mr S Phillips for stream cleaning £840 Wye/Usk Foundation £191.10 All payments authorised Accounts to 30th September, half yearly account report, which had been circulated was discussed. Parish Precept for 2021-2022; this was to be submitted by end of December 2020. Agreed a meeting of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Councillor D Phillips & the clerk to be held to produce draft budget Footpaths; Footpath Officer October newsletter from Balfour Beatty circulated. The current footpath map situated on the car park adjacent to Dorstone Front Room is fading; the clerk has requested information on the availability/cost of a replacement. Accessibility Statement for parish council website Proposed statement had been circulated, this was discussed. Councillors agreed to adopt the statement and arrange to have posted on the website. The accessibility requires PDF documents to be uploaded to the website, this proved time consuming and originally it was thought a note could be added to the accessibility statement indicating these documents were in another format, Golden Valley Web design have found a method the PDF documents can more quickly be re-formatted, those since September 2019 have been changed. . Community Crisis response meeting, Councillor D Phillips had attended a meeting virtually. Slide presentation from the meeting had been circulated to Councillors. Anyone who would like to fulfil the role of Community Champion in the area and are able to offer the types of support identified, as part of the community response or would like further information, is asked to get in touch with talk community before 31st October. What 3 words information had been received on the system where every three metre square of the world has been given a unique combination of three words. Used for e-commerce and delivery, navigation, emergencies and more. (Dorstone Village Hall would be ducks.upper.lakeside). Some councillor’s were aware of the system; it could be a benefit to parishioners for emergency location, for tourists visiting the parish, Councillors agreed the information should be shared on the DFR newsletter. Herefordshire Association Local Councils Information Corner circulated Glass map. Artmarker project The refurbishment of the Glass Map had been completed; Councillors agreed a letter of thanks should be sent to Mr Colin Laurence for the work carried out. Councillor Hession agreed to write an article on the Artmarker project in Dorstone, which she led, for the DFR newsletter. Artmarker project was Public Works of Art celebrating the heritage of eight rural Herefordshire Parishes; Dorstone produced a tactile glass map. Agreed to consider re-location & illumination of map at another meeting Rural Community Fund, Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett gave an update on the Rural Community Energy Fund. Thisprovides non-capital grant funding over two stages to help community organisations with the development of a renewable energy project. Currently Stage 1 is for communities at an early stage of exploring a specific renewable energy project that meets the RCEF eligibility criteria, grants of up to £40,000 are available to cover consultancy and professional costs for producing an initial feasibility report in a standardised format. Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett is looking into how the funding can be accessed, has this grant to be applied for through the parish council or a community interest company is formed Agreed the date of next meeting, November 11th 2020 No further business, the chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09.10pm Signed……………………………….. Councillor T Usher November 11th 2020