A meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held on Wednesday May 26th 2021 at 7-00pm in the Old School Hall Dorstone Present: Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor L Aubrey-Cosslett, Councillor T Arnott, Councillor A Phillips, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk. Apologies; Councillor M Hession, family commitment, Councillor B James, family commitment No declaration of Interest from members in any item to be discussed made Chairman welcomed everyone to the first face to face meeting since March 2020, those present social distanced, and the following guidance had been circulated/displayed. CLARIFICATION ON RULE OF SIX FOR PC MEETINGS National Association of Local Councils has clarified its understanding of the rule of six, from 17th May until such time as national restrictions are amended or lifted: 1. Parish Councillors plus the Clerk are outside the rule of six for indoor meetings because they form the body corporate which is exempt as a permitted organised gathering. 2. Members of the public constitute the rule of six for indoor meetings. Members of the public have a right to attend face-to-face meetings, should more than six members of the public wish to attend the meeting in person, the meeting may need to take place outdoors or adjourn but not proceed inside. In inclement weather, meeting will attend to urgent or time related business only and return to the remaining agenda items after June 21st Planning Consultation 211110 Site Address; Caemawr, Arthurs Stone Lane, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AY Description: Proposed replacement field shelter, loafing barn, manege and tracks Application had been passed to Councillor Arnott, no letters of support or objection received. The clerk had raised with the planning officer if the application should be considered by the landscape officer, this had now been forwarded but no report had yet been produced. No letters of support, or objection received, there was no objection from highways. Councillors considered the application and resolved that Dorstone Parish Council support the application providing a satisfactory landscape report, (Built & Natural Environment), from Herefordshire Council is given. If planning permission is granted a condition should be imposed such that the facilities be used for the applicant’s own horses, not commercially b) Consultation; 211229 Site address Bage Court, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 5SU Description; Conversion of redundant traditional farm buildings to three houses and one annexe/holiday let Listed building consent c) Consultation; 211292 Site address; Bage Court, Scotland Bank, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 5SU Description; Variation of condition 2, ref (DCSW2007/0064/F (Conversion of redundant traditional farm buildings to eight houses and one annexe) - to decant the proposed parking area from the courtyard and immediate north of House 1 Studio to a new location up against the northern boundary of the site Both applications passed to Councillor D Phillips. Representations had recently been added to the website, agreed to adjourn discussing both applications until the next meeting. d) Consultation 211372 Site address; Wernagavenny, Michaelchurch Escley, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 0PU Description; Proposed agricultural manure store Adjoining parish consultation Councillors discussed the application, it was noted Vowchurch Parish Council had no objections, No Dorstone property close to the site, agreed not to make a comment Finance Insurance policy renewal, there was a small increase in premium to £369.09. Noted the street light was covered, future of the street light to be discussed later in the year, also refurbishment of the telephone kiosk and possible re-siting. A quote from another insurance company had been sought but not received. Resolved payment of the renewal, £369.09, was made. Date of next meeting June 9th 2021 No further business the chairman thanked those who had attended and closed the meeting at 7-25pm