A Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held in the OLD SCHOOL Hall Dorstone on Wednesday November 8th 2023 at 7-30pm Present; Councillor A Phillips, Chairman, Councillor D Edmison, Councillor S Goodwin, Councillor B James, Councillor J Morgan, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Clerk. Also present; Ward Councillor P Price Apologies from Golden Valley Police. No declaration of Interest from members in any item to be discussed The minutes of October 11th 2023, which had been circulated, were agreed Update on the vacancy for parish councillor Two applications received; one applicant had indicated he was away on business at time of this meeting. Agreed to consider applications next meeting. Reports a) Golden Valley Police, no reports received b) Ward Councillor, October reported circulated, updated councillors on the financial pressure Herefordshire Council were under, the work being undertaken on the Southern Relief Road. Agenda Item 7 Planning Planning consultation Application APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 232933 - Corner Cottage, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AN DESCRIPTION: Proposed single story rear extension, first floor rear extension, internal reconfigurations and a front porch. No letters of support or objection received, the representation noted on line, the application had been passed to Councillor Goodwin to inform neighbours. Councillors discussed the application, Dorstone Parish Council resolved to support the application. In the design & access statement it indicates "foul water will connect to the existing mains sewerage system". No mains system in parish APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 233076 - Cella Pegler Orchard, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AW DESCRIPTION: Application for variation of condition 2 of planning permission 221904 (Proposed two storey extension with link and alterations to existing dwelling.). To incorporate design changes including landscape design and balcony area. No letters of support or objection received, the representation noted on line, the application had been passed to Councillor Goodwin to inform neighbours. Councillors discussed the application, resolved to object, the view from proposed balcony appear to overlook the neighbour’s property, resulting in a loss of amenity. (Policy DNP H2 Housing design criteria 4). Possible compromise could be screening of the balcony overlooking the neighbour APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 233054 - Bage Pool, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 5SU DESCRIPTION: Retrospective application for continued use of former agricultural building for storage (Use Class B8) No letters of support or objection received, the representation noted on line, the application had been passed to Councillor Edmiston to inform neighbours Councillors considered the application, resolved to support the application, (DNP E1 small businesses, farming & employment, 1) Note WC listed in building, no indication if this is connected to a waste disposal system Decision APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 232644 - 1 Dore View, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AJ DESCRIPTION: Proposed building for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse. Planning refused, delegated officer report circulated, this indicated no response from PC, the response is on line prior to the report completion, planning officer contacted; “I do apologise this is an oversight on my part, the report template was formulated before your comments were submitted. The comments are on the website and were on file so they had been taken into consideration prior to determination.” Finance a) The bank signatures had all been updated. b) Clerk’s salary October 2023 £141.28 c) Lengthsmen invoices for £148, worked had been checked by Councillor A Phillips Both payments authorised Annual report River Dore Citizen Science Group, a copy dated October 23 had been circulated which councillors discussed. Some confusion over where samples were taken, suggested using what3words, suggest sample taken by old telephone kiosk, query over period of time samples taken, useful for comparison current years to previous years. Bringing Full Fibre to Peterchurch exchange Latest report from Openreach, “were above 50 % and need another 80 pledges” Highway B4348, traffic, damage to verges, Locality Steward contacted, will arrange reflector posts when staff available, still investigating other requests. As there was a new honorary surveyor appointed the clerk was trying to arrange for the locality steward to visit the parish. Highway general note, two reports have recently been submitted, no contact details, locality steward could find no defects, unable to make contact with person reporting defect. Request sent to Blast if defect raised, please leave contact details. Bus Stop, previous council had understood permission given for bus stop to be re-sited to Shop Association Car park, this may be incorrect. Councillor A Phillips in discussion with Shop Association. Woodbury Hill, adjacent to Moccas Park, naming of Woodbury Hill & Moccas Hill Wood to Gillian’s Wood, invitation for two councillors to attend briefing on November 22nd 2023. Councillor A Phillips & Councillor B James agreed to attend. Herefordshire Council Relevant information circulated a) Partnership Information bulletin b) Talk Community Next Meeting Date of next meeting; December 13th 2023 Councillor A Phillips thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09-15pm. Signed ………………………… Councillor A Phillips December 13th 2023