A meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held in the Old School Hall Dorstone on Wednesday November 9th 2022 Present; Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor L Aubrey-Cosslett, Councillor B James, Councillor A Phillips Councillor D Phillips, Councillor E Wright & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk. Also, present Councillor J Hewitt, Ward Councillor for part of meeting, Mr Mark Wordley for representation from the public. Representation from the public, Mr M Wordley thanked the council for the recent concerns that he had raised on the small section of abandoned scrubland adjacent to New House, known as New House Patch (grid SO 266401.The consultations and discussions together with the decision the council made for the area be designated a ‘Minimum Interference Nature Reserve were appreciated’ The minutes of October 12th 2022 having been circulated, were approved Reports: Ward Councillor, apologised for her period of absence, gave an update on the citizens assembly. She had sent her latest report just prior to the meeting. Golden Valley Police. No report received Planning APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 223359 - Dorstone Methodist Chapel, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AP DESCRIPTION: Change of use of existing holiday let to dwellinghouse Application passed to Councillor D Phillips. No letters of support or objection received. Councillors resolved to support the application from change of use existing holiday let to dwelling house. Neighbourhood Plan 10th November (attend) or 15th November on-line Future Role of Neighbourhood plans, document circulated Rural Settlement Hierarchy-Audit, circulated Councillors discussed the documents. Agreed to raise the closure of the Dorstone Front Room, which also resulted in the loss of the Talk Community hub, frequency of mobile post office, now one day per week attending the parish. Finance Clerk salary October £128.44 Payment authorised Councillors received the accounts to October 30th 2022, clerk answered queries raised. Councillors considered the budget for 2023- 2024, adjusting some items due to increased costs, with the election in May 2023, if this was uncontested the cost could be £120-£200, contested based on the electorate in the parish of 300+ estimated cost could be £1800, contested by-election £2400 Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett asked if support could be given to the Dorstone Relief in Need Charity. The clerk did not know but would seek guidance. A draft precept of £6500 was agreed as per current year Tree Warden Mr C Eglington, the Tree Warden, had informed the council he would be retiring, he indicated his current assistants Mr & Mrs Wright had expressed an interest in taking over the duties of tree warden. Councillors thanked Mr C Eglington for his work as Dorstone Tree Warden & wished him best wishes in his retirement. They agreed to accept the offer by Mr & Mrs Wright to take on the role and to invite them to the next PC meeting to discuss how they & the PC could work together. The clerk was seeking to obtain a copy of the book outlining duties of the tree warden Update on cleaning the Ponty Weston stream bridges in the village. Balfour Beatty, with information from the clerk, had completed the draft Habitat Risk assessment (HRA), this was sent to Herefordshire Council who completed the HRA and sent a copy to the clerk which was circulated to councillors. Copy also sent to Ecological Clerk of Works, whilst this was accepted has now raised concern that an Ordinary Water Consent is required, the HRA would be used to complete this.BB had previously indicated a OWC is not required. This has been sent to BB awaiting a reply. When reply received agreed to send ward councillor a summary of the difficulties experienced in attempting to have the stream cleaned. Herefordshire Association Local Councils, updates have been circulated, this included, possible insurance for footpath officers, clerk has written to HALC & Herefordshire Council seeking clarification, recommended increase in Clerk salaries of £1 hour back dated to April 1st Update on the Defibrillator, with the closure of Dorstone Front Room (DFR), who had paid for the upkeep & insurance costs, Parish Council had given a donation one year, Mrs G Burd is very happy to continue with the maintenance checks, organise training and so on. Replacement pads and batteries currently average out at around £110 per year. Hoping that funds left when DFR is wound up will cover these costs for the next 5-10 years. Dorstone Village Shop Association have been asked if they would be willing to add it to their building’s insurance Talk Parish meeting 24th October Councillor Usher had attended, the theme was Herefordshire Climate and Nature Board county-wide action plans to get Herefordshire zero carbon and nature rich by 2030 and help reducing the carbon footprint within parishes. Councillor Usher recommended councillors look at the following websites, Dorstone has a very high carbon footprint. https://greatcollaboration.uk/the-toolkit/ https://impact-tool.org.uk https://zerocarbon.herefordshire.gov.uk/22-things-to-do-in-2022/ Footpath Officer Briefing documents circulated, only set of slides used in training & Q&A sheet which did not include insurance had been received. Clerk has written to Herefordshire Council, no reply. Herefordshire Council; Information circulated a) Partnership Information bulletin b) Talk Community Chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09-20pm Signed ……………………………. Councillor T Usher December 14th 2022