A Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held in the OLD SCHOOL Hall Dorstone on Wednesday April 10th 2024 at 7-30pm

Present; Councillor A Phillips, Chairman, Councillor D Edmiston, Councillor S Goodwin, Councillor B James, Councillor D Lonsdale, Councillor J Morgan, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Clerk.

Also present; 5 parishioners

Declaration of Interest.

Councillor A Phillips & Councillor D Phillips declared a personal & prejudicial interest in Agenda Item, Licensing Application.

The minutes of March 27th 2024, which had been circulated, were agreed

Representation from the public, 5 parishioners present.

a) Golden Valley Police, not in attendance
b) Ward Councillor, not in attendance


a) APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 233424 - The Cote (field barn - part converted), Lower Crossway Farm, Dorstone, Herefordshire, HR3 6AT. DESCRIPTION: Conversion and extension of field barn to a dwelling and construction of new vehicular access (part retrospective).

Planning Permission refused; delegated report circulated.
b) Dorstone Neighbourhood Plan, circulated to new councillors

a) Consider increasing the clerk’s salary.
Adjourn until next meeting
b) Pay Clerks salary March £141.28.

Payment agreed
c) Receive draft end of year accounts April 2023-March 2024, adjourn until next meeting
d) Complete form moving money from current account to savings account, form signed to move £10,000
e) Terms & conditions & account from Wyehost for hosting Dorstone.org 2024-2025, received, account. £75 + vat.
Terms noted payment authorised.

Licensing Application
Councillor A Phillips & Councillor D Phillips left the meeting

Councillors agreed Councillor B James should chair the discussion

Licensing Application for a grant of a premise licence at;
Dorstone Playing Field, Dorstone, Herefordshire. HR3 6AW, Applied for: Live Music (Outdoors), Recorded Music (Outdoors). Friday 18:00 – 23:59, Saturday 15:00-23:59, Sunday & Monday 12:00-16:00

Late Night Refreshment (Outdoors) Friday – Saturday 23:00 – 23:30

Sale/Supply of Alcohol (consumption on the premises)
Friday 18:00 – 23:30 Saturday 15:00-23:30, Sunday & Monday 12:00-16:00

(for occasional musical events at weekends and Bank Holidays in the period from June to September)

Consultation dates are as follows: Begins 28 March 2024 and ends 24 April 2024.

Letter received from Village Hall Committee, this expressed the majority view of members not involved in the playing field committee, understand to raise funds for maintenance of the fields, no objection to event taking place, no information on extent and nature of events, implications for immediate neighbours who were not consulted, potential knock on effect to village hall who hold series of events during year, impact on the Pandy, lack of information on operation of license.

Clerk reported he had requested information from the Licensing Office, this had only just arrived, application would be included in the next edition of The Blast

Application had been passed to Councillor Londsdale, he reported he had visited some parishioners.

Parishioners close to the site reported not visited, notice seen on Playing Field gate, permanent license not appropriate, should be occasional, concern about noise.

Applicant apologized for not consulting neighbour’s, plan was for one Dorstonbury event, premise license to give flexibility on dates, attendance & if necessary, alcohol sales when joint village organizations activities held.

Councillor Edmiston raised concern that not all Playing Field committee have indicated there was only one event proposed, applicant was not aware of this and would check.

Chairman indicated voluntary neighbour visits were carried out by PC, usually for planning, to ensure neighbour’s were aware of any applications.

Dorstone PC considered the application, during which parishioners left,, the verbal & written representations received,, in particular concern over the possible number of weekend events, together with details from the applicant.
Whilst the need to provide funding for the maintenance and provision of sporting activities on the playing field is recognised, the applicant indicated there were no plans for other events, than the one being currently organised, the council are supportive of the application, but have raised some concerns over health & safety, crowd control/access, storage of alcohol, staff training, foot path, first aid etc. Agreed Councillor Edmiston & Clerk would check guidance on representations based on concerns raised, clerk to draft response prior to submitting.
Councillor A Phillips & Councillor D Phillips rejoined the meeting.
Highway Issues
a) Lengthsman Scheme, discussed, agreed to authorise lengthsman agreement with Herefordshire Council, clerk & chairman to sign.
b) PROW Funding, no information received.
c) Local Drainage Funding, no information received

Kings Portrait
Reply from Church
“The PCC considered the suggestion to display a Kings Portrait in St Faith’s Church.
There was not a unanimous response in favour so thank you but we are unable to take up the offer.
Clerk to inform parishioner who had raised query over display of Kings portrait

Herefordshire Council; Information circulated
a) Partnership Information bulletin
b) Talk Community

Date of next meeting; May 8th 2024.

Chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09-25pm.

Signed………………………Councillor A Phillips

May 8th 2024