The Annual Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held in the OLD SCHOOL Hall Dorstone on Wednesday May 10th 2023 at 7-30pm.

Elect a chairman, previous chairman, Tony Usher was unable to attend the meeting, Vice Chairman Councillor Lisa Aubrey-Cosslett took the chair, Councillor B James proposed Councillor A Phillips Chairman, seconded by Councillor L Aubrey-Cosslett, no other nominations, Councillor A Phillips was unanimously elected, he thanked councillors for their support, signed the acceptance of office declaration, and took the chair.

Elect a vice chairman, Councillor B James proposed Councillor L Aubrey-Cosslett, seconded by Councillor D Phillips, no other nominations, Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett was unanimously elected.

Apologies, Mr Tony Usher.

Election, Lisa Aubrey-Cosslett, Steven Goodwin, Benjamin James, Alistair Phillips, & David Phillips were elected parish councillors for Dorstone, without contest.
Agreed to seek applications for co-option onto the parish council to fill the two vacancies with a closing date of June 7th 2023.

Declaration of acceptance of office was completed by the councillors.

Code of conduct, from Herefordshire Council, had been circulated, Councillors agreed to adopt the code for Dorstone PC.

New councillor needed to complete and send register of interest to Herefordshire Council monitoring officer, re-elected councillors need to notify of any new or changes of interest, also all to complete expense form.

No declaration of Interest from members in any item to be discussed. was made.

Minutes of meeting, April 11th 2023, which had been circulated were agreed

Roles & responsibilities, agreed to defer to next meeting with the exception of the honorary surveyor. Councillor A Phillips agreed to be appointed Honorary Surveyor  

May report from Golden Valley Police had been circulated

Planning                                                                                                       APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 231081 - Agricultural Building and Land at Fayre Ways Farm, Dorstone, Herefordshire, HR3 6AA DESCRIPTION: Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of an agricultural building to two smaller and one larger dwellinghouses and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion.             This application is for a prior approval determination for a change of use.
Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett had informed the nearest neighbour.

Councillors discussed the application and support Highways & Transportation comments, requesting further information on the visibility at the junction of the access road with the highway

      a) To pay the clerks salary £141.28
          b) Hosting fee Golden Valley Web Design, £100 for website 
          c) Insurance renewal £378.18

All payments authorised. 

Golden Valley Web Design have advised they are withdrawing the hosting service this year. Agreed to obtain quotations for an alternative provider

2022-2023 audited accounts;
                  i) The internal auditor had completed the check on the accounts, no issues found
                 i) The Certificate of Exemption was discussed, approved & signed
                 ii) The Finance Accounting Statement 2022-2023 was discussed, approved & signed.

Hereford Association of Local Councils
Latest information had been circulated information.

Police & Crime Commissioner contact information request for the parish newsletter had been sent.

Snodhill Preservation Trust, invitation received to the launch of the Royal Free Chapel appeal fund, May 29th from 2pm, Councillor Lisa Aubrey-Cosslett agreed to attend. 

Quotation to produce a map for installation/display in the Old Telephone Kiosk had been received, further information on printing & display frame to obtain.

Date of Parish Meeting Wednesday May 24th 2023 at 7-30pm.

Date of next meeting, Wednesday June14th at 7-30pm 

No further business the chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting.