A meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held on Wednesday August 11th 2021 at 7-30pm in the Old School Hall Dorstone
Present: Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor T Arnott, Councillor B James, Councillor A Phillips, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk. 

Apologies; Councillor Hession, family illness

No declaration of Interest from members in any item to be discussed made

No members of the Public

Minutes of July 14th 2021having being circulated were approved

Application No 212033
Site Address; Dove Cottage, Chapel Lane, Dorstone Hereford HR3 6AP
Description; Proposed installation of free standing louvred terrace veranda over the existing patio area
The plans had been passed to Councillor Usher, one representation on the web site, no letters of support or objection received.
Whilst the period for comments had expired the clerk was unable to obtain an extension as no planning officer had yet been appointed to deal with the application.

Councillors resolved to support the application

Herefordshire Council budget setting 2022/2023 meeting this will take place on Tuesday 6th September from 7pm to 8:40pm. Councillor Usher will attend
Date of next meeting; September 8th 2021

No further business, the chairman thanked those who had attended and closed the meeting at 7-55pm