A Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held in the OLD SCHOOL Hall Dorstone on Friday August 11th 2023 at 7-00pm. Present; Councillor A Phillips, Chairman, Councillor L Aubrey-Cosslett, Councillor D Phillips, Mr C Hendy Clerk. Also present: Dawn Edmison, John Morgan Apologies were received from; Councillor S Goodwin, Councillor B James, work commitment. Ward Councillor P Price, Golden Valley Police. No declaration of Interest from members in any item to be discussed The minutes of June 14th 2023, which had been circulated, were agreed Two applications to fill the two casual vacancies for parish councillors had been received, copies of the applications had been sent to councillors. The two applications received were from; Dawn Edmiston, John Morgan, who were both present in an adjoining room Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett was concerned the copies of the application had not been sent until August 10th, Clerk apologised for this, one of the applications had to be scanned and there had been problems with the equipment, if councillors considered they had insufficient time to read the applications, then the discussion/decision should be delayed. Councillors considered and agreed to consider the applications. Councillors invited Dawn Edmiston to discuss her application, answered questions raised, she then left the room. Councillors invited John Morgan to discuss his application, answered questions raised, he left the room. Councillors discussed both applications, concern was again raised regarding the time to read the applications, agreed to delay consideration of the applications for a week. Both applicants were notified. Reports: Ward Councillor, July report circulated Planning Application APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 231569 - Millbrook Cottage, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AP DESCRIPTION: Demolition of existing garage. Proposed 2 bay garage with storage and annexe/studio/workroom above. Extension for comments requested, application with Councillor A Phillips. Immediate neighbours visited, no letters of support or objection received, councillors resolved to support the application. Planning decision APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 231280 - Brook House, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AB DESCRIPTION: Proposed extension to link existing dwelling to garage building and conversion of garage to form kitchen. Permission granted with conditions Finance a) Pay Clerks salary June £141-28 Payment authorised Balfour Beatty/ Herefordshire Council Lengthsmen Scheme2023-2024 Documents had been circulated The administration of this scheme means that the Parish Council are eligible to receive a base sum cost of £140.00 for every kilometre of C and U classification of roads across the Parish Council. For Dorstone funding would be £4452 funding with additional funding £4452 if match funded by PC • Expression of Interest –Councillors agreed to express an interest in the scheme & submit the form • Annual Maintenance Plan –The works due to be undertaken by the Parish Council using the grant funding and any additional works the Parish Council will deliver using other funding avenues Clerk had produced a maintenance plan, this included work on the parish footpaths, Councillors agreed with the plan, not to seek additional funding, and submit the plan • Contract 2023-2024, This has been prefilled in the Parish Council’s name and total of eligible funding, agreed the chairman & clerk should sign, electronically, & submit. • Lengthsmen had been asked for his hourly rate 2023-2024; £14.50 per hour for manual work £16.50 per hour for use of petrol power tools Insurance certificate April 2023-2024 held for £5million public liability Ponty Weston Stream Cleaning, Clerk had contacted Tom Fairfield to provide quotation to carry out a survey on Ponty-Weston stream. The cost of the survey would have to be met by the parish council, although included in the annual maintenance plan, expenditure is not retrospective. Stream cleaning needs to be carried out by beginning of October, work will require an ordinary watercourse consent from BBLP who must also undertake a HRAs. Quotation; To attend site for a walkover survey and produce a report for HC/BBLP 4 hours @ £40/hour + mileage@ 0.45p/mile (estimated at a 40mile round trip) all plus VAT. Clerk of Works. £40/hr + VAT (+ mileage@ 0.45p/mile (estimated at a 40mile round trip) +VAT. Councillors agreed to order a survey Office Police & Crime Commissioner Survey This was completed by councillors Herefordshire Council; Information circulated a) Partnership Information bulletin b) Talk Community Date of next meeting; September 13th 2023. Agreed to arrange a meeting for Friday August 18th 2023 to consider the co-option applications. Councillor A Phillips thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 08-45pm. Signed ……………………Councillor A Phillips September 13th 2023