A Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held in Old School Hall, Dorstone on Wednesday February 12th 2020 at 7-30pm
Present: Present; Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor M Hession,Councillor T Arnott, Councillor B James Councillor A Phillips, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk.
Also present for part of the meeting; Ward Councillor J Hewitt, three parishioners, 
Apologies were received from Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett, on holiday. Golden Valley Police, Mrs Chapman
No declaration of interests from members made.
Representation from the Public 
Mrs Patricia Wordley spoke regarding a planning resubmission at New House which has been under consideration for some 10 months. This Application has been amended and will result, if approved, in significant destruction of trees, some 300 metres of hedgerows and undergrowth. There are also concerns regarding a number of other areas, including the detrimental impact on wildlife and the environment, limited supply of water, possibility road drain goes across proposed site, no inclusion with this resubmission on change of use of land. There was encroachment on the land adjoining New House  
Mr Brian Maclean, Climate Champion reported on the recent meeting, were looking into community projects and sharing information on current sources of energy saving including ground source pumps, air source pumps, and photovoltaic panels, also tree planting schemes. The group agreed any success would more likely be achieved by light touch education and example.
Mr reported on road drainage issues he was having from the B4348 at Llanafon, water was draining down his drive. He has reported this to Balfour Beatty
Mrs Chapman, who was unable to attend, had sent in written representation on the new housing development in Chapel Lane,
“The building works in Chapel Lane are becoming problematic for residents and have been for some time. Examples being:
- Mud on Lane
- Water pouring from the site onto the lane. On one occasion recently the flooded front wall foundations were drained onto the Lane, this muddy water then froze and caused icy patches.
- verges being churned up by delivery trucks, vans, etc.
- builders vans parking on the lane outside the site every day
- Obstruction of residents and other vehicles by deliveries being made to the site - particularly bad this morning at 8.30 when a delivery lorry blocked the lane for some time, causing a van and other traffic to queue in the lane. When walking the children to the bus we often have to squeeze past lorries and walk on the muddy verges. 
We don’t have any issues with the building work itself but are under the impression that some of these problems contravene the original planning consent.” 
The minutes of meeting January 9th 2020 were approved & signed by the chairman.
Reports from;
    a)  Ward Councillor, + leaders report circulated. Councillor Hewitt answered queries raised. 
     b) Golden Valley Police, monthly report circulated
a) Application No 191449; Planning Re-consultation 
Site Address New House, Cusop, Hay-On-Wye, HR3 5TG
Description Siting of shepherd hut to provide tourist accommodation including construction of new vehicular access and associated landscaping works
Councillors discussed the application and objection raised, resolved to object to the application
Dorstone Parish Council has been consulted as an adjoining parish. Our Neighbourhood Development Plan Policy on Tourism, DNPT1, encourages the promotion of tourism opportunities.
However, the Council considers there is a number of problems with this application that count against the granting of planning permission in this case. Our concerns are:
a) We are alarmed at grubbing out of the old hedge, no information if an ecological survey has been carried out, no plan to move the existing hedge to accommodate the visibility splay thereby not destroying potentially ancient existing habitat.
b) We feel it is very important to preserve the environment in this fragile upland landscape.
c) We are informed there is a road drain issuing into the field of the proposed site for the shepherds hut. We are concerned that interruption of this drainage flow may lead to road flooding problems
d) We note the original decision,P182146/F, included change of use of land, we note this application does not include change of use
e) We are concerned about effects of additional demands on the limited shared water supply and how this will impact the adjacent dwelling within Dorstone Parish.
The clerk was asked to obtaing information on the land ownership New House Patch.
a)    Neighbourhood Planning Meeting April 3rd at 3.00pm, Councillor Usher attending, available for up to 3 members of the council.
Occasional Licence Application for Grant of an occasional premises licence for Herefordshire Federation of Young Farmers Club Dorstone Court on 16-17.05.2020 Application had been passed to Councillor Usher; he reported he had visited neighbours of Dorstone Court. 
The clerk reported there was little guidance on occasional premise licence applications, the areas representation could be made were attached to the application, on line information that representation not supported by evidence of some description is not a relevant representation.
Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett had submitted the following“ As for the license, I don't have a problem with a TEN at that location, however live music indoors/ outdoors going on till 2am may cause some issues to people living in the vicinity. Another noise issue would be the coming and going of cars at that time of the morning.
I also feel that supplying alcohol from 9am till 2.30am would contravene all four of the relevant licensing objectives; also bear in mind this is for young farmers aged 10 to 26 years old”.
No other comments had been received.
Councillor Hession agreed with points raised by Councillor Aubrey-Cosslet, however with no concern raised by immediate neighbours, and no objections, representation was not appropriate, this was agreed. 
a) Clerks salary £125
Payment authorised
Signage indicating Dorstone Village, Councillor Usher had received a request that signage was displayed. Councillors discussed the request and agreed signage was not required.
Speed of Traffic through village, the clerk had received reply to query raised today, information given, further clarification on priority signage on Brooklands Bridge to be requested.
Stream cleaning, due to recent weather agreed to delay stream cleaning until next financial year.
Footpath D02, Councillor Usher & Councillor Arnott had visited Llan Farm, spoke to Mr R Morgan about the report of injury to walkers by dogs on footpath D02, advised him Landowners and occupiers must ensure that dogs are kept under proper control when in the vicinity of a public right of way.
Community Resilience Plan Councillor D Phillips had attended the meeting; he was awaiting information from Herefordshire Association Local Councils. He had sent a copy of his notes to the clerk for circulation. Councillors agreed to discuss next meeting.
Climate Emergency
Councillors agreed that Dorstone PC climate emergency declaration was "Dorstone Parish Council declares support for Herefordshire Council’s aspiration of carbon neutrality by 2030”.
Councillors noted Mr Maclean report, next meeting on February 26th.
Clerk had received request from Peterchurch PC regarding the climate emergency declaration and the work of the action group.
Natural Flood Management Scheme Councillor Hewitt reported that Herefordshire Council is currently leading a Defra funded project which aims to use Natural Flood Management techniques to help reduce flood risk. The project is working with landowners and communities within 7 catchment areas, looking at the ways they can alter their land and water management techniques to help slow the flow of water and reduce flood risk to downstream communities. Clerk had received information that following interest from Parish Councils outside the project area a presentation which will be open to all Herefordshire Parish Councils is being arranged.
Telephone Box Councillor Arnott reported work on refurbishing the kiosk will start in the spring; suggestions on possible re-siting would be discussed before work commences.
Hereford Association of local Councils 
      a) Training in March, the session will be between 19.00 and 21.00 and is available to all current councillors. Monday 9th March     
b)    Account for membership 2020-2021 £420.60 (£350.50 + VAT)
Payment authorised to pay the account
Donation policy Clerk reported no applications had been received, local organisations written to and application information posted on weekly newsletter.
Herefordshire Council
a) Review of Herefordshire Transport Strategy, information circulated.
Date of next meeting March 11th 2020
No further business the chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09-30pm