A meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held on Wednesday April 13th 2022 at 7-30pm in the Old School Hall Dorstone Present: Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett, Councillor T Arnott, Councillor B James, Councillor A Phillips, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk. Also present Ward Councillor J Hewitt Apologies received from Councillor E Wright, unwell Declaration of Interest; Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett was making an application for funding for Queen’s Jubilee celebrations in the parish. . Minutes of March 9th 2022 having being circulated were approved Reports a) Ward Councillor, Councillor Hewitt gave a brief verbal report. b) Golden Valley Police, April report circulated Planning i) APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS Planning Re-consultation - 211292 - Bage Court, Scotland Bank, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 5SU DESCRIPTION: Variation of condition 2 ref (DCSW2007/0064/F (Conversion of redundant traditional farm buildings to eight houses and one annexe). - to decant the proposed parking area from the courtyard and immediate north of House 1 Studio to a new location up against the northern boundary of the site. The application passed to Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett No letters of support or objection received, correspondence on website noted, Councillors resolved to support the variation ii) Planning decisions APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS; Planning Consultation - 214593 – Top Cottage, Dorstone, Hereford Herefordshire HR3 6BL DESCRIPTION: Small side/rear extension and refurbishment of existing Permission granted with conditions, decision notice circulated Officer report circulated re environmental building standards which shows how the Dorstone NDP has been used APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS Planning Consultation - 214602 - Gannols Barn, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AD DESCRIPTION: Construction of new vehicular access onto C1208 and new access track Permission granted with conditions, decision notice circulated. Application No; Planning Consultation - 214268 Site Address; Bell House, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AB Description; Demolition of existing single garage, proposed double garage with bedroom over and conversion of stable block to ancillary residential accommodation Permission granted with conditions, decision notice circulated. iii) Environmental building standards, consultation 2nd March to 13th April This sets out best practice recommendations to help drive up building design and construction to the highest standards, in line with the council’s recognition of the climate and ecological emergency and our vision for a zero-carbon, nature-rich Herefordshire. The document does not introduce new policy but is designed to provide supplementary guidance on the adopted Herefordshire Local Plan - Core Strategy environmental quality policies. It will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. All feedback during the consultation will be considered, before the final draft is put forward for formal adoption by the council. Councillors completed the first part of the questionnaire, clerk to submit iv) Herefordshire Local Plan As part of the preparation of the new Local Plan for Herefordshire the existing County-wide planning policies need to be reviewed, to determine their effectiveness, consistency with national planning policy and whether they would help to deliver key aspirations of the Herefordshire County Plan. this had been attended by attended by Councillor Usher & Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett had attended an online meeting. Information iscussed; Summary of Spacial Options Consultation (March meeting) Summary of Feedback: Focus development on Market Towns and Hereford - 40% Focus on Rural Hub communities - 47% Transport - recognised the problems for public transport in rural areas - encourage the use of EVs Climate - More use of renewables, possible support for community involvement Planning - Encourage quality materials, new tech, affordability and support for key services to develop communities Policy Options Topics for Consultation - Comments by 16 May 1. Climate Change (towards net zero) 2. Building design (improve sustainability and wellbeing) 3. Transport (integrated local plan with rural solutions) 4. Access to Affordable Housing 5. Health and Wellbeing (encourage more open spaces) 6. Rural housing 7. Roll of NDPs 8. Employment (incl broadband to the hard-to-reach homes/businesses) 9. Tourism Response to be discussed at May meeting Finance a) Clerks salary for April 2022 £128.44p Payment authorised b) Clerk presented the draft end of year accounts 2021-2022, agreed to submit to the internal auditor. Highways a) Public Rights of Way (PROW) & Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) Changes are now being delivered by Herefordshire Council and any enquiries relating to PROW or TRO should now be directed through the following email addresses or phone number. • PROW - PROW@herefordshire.gov.uk • PROW No – 01432 383 550 TRO - TM@herefordshire.gov.uk b) Herefordshire Trail Support I am writing on behalf of the Ramblers association, who are seeking some support from your Parish Footpath Officers or volunteers. Balfour Beatty Living Places, Herefordshire Council, Visit Herefordshire and the Ramblers are collectively working to improve the Herefordshire Trail, delivering Stiles to Land Owners, Route Clearance, repairs and new bridges. Councillor Arnott had volunteered to offer support The stile replacement on DO3 was raised, which the Parish Council nor Parish Footpath Officer were aware of the defect. Informed the Ramblers had collated the information, correct agreed procedures not been followed, this has been fed back to them for future submissions. c) Damaged notice board Playing Field, this had been erected several years ago by Herefordshire Council to display a footpath map. Councillors agreed not to have repaired and should be disposed of. Dog Fouling Parishioner has raised concern about dog fouling, requested notices from Herefordshire Council, they were advised to contact Parish Council. Clerk had sought notices, advised by Herefordshire Council to circulate regulations on parish information systems, any fouling observed send information to them and they will investigate Highway. Defects; a) Insecure railings B4348 opposite Dore View reported b) Road by Cross Lodge lane, B4348, road flooding, grips blocked reported Talk Parish Survey, questionnaire completed and feedback sent Parish celebration of Queens Jubilee, Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett outlined the planned celebrations in the parish for the Queens Jubilee, each child would be offered a £5 jubilee coin and asked if the parish council would consider making a donation. The clerk would check if funding could be given, agreed to discuss at the next meeting. Additional seat on the Village Green Request received to site an additional bench on the village green in memory of Mrs Lane. Councillors agreed to the request Notification of a Licensing application, for Herefordshire Federation Young Farmers Club Rally, at Dorstone Court, on May 21st 2022, had been received together with. specific guidance on commenting. Application had been passed to Councillor Usher. No letters of support or objection received, councillors agreed no comments to make Herefordshire Association Local Councils, information circulated, pay increase of 1.75% 2021/2022, Section 137 figure increased to £8.82 per elector, information on Jubilee Beacons Information from Herefordshire Council circulated a) Talk Communities b) Partnership Information Bulletin No further business the chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09.25pm