A Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held in the OLD SCHOOL Hall Dorstone on Wednesday 13th December 2023 at 7-15pm

Present; Councillor A Phillips, Chairman, Councillor S Goodwin, Councillor B James, Councillor J Morgan, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Clerk.

Also present; Mr D Londsdale, 
Ward Councillor P Price (joined the meeting at 07-30pm)

Apologies; Councillor D Edmiston

Declaration of Interest, Councillor S Goodwin declared a personal on the planning application for The Cote

The minutes of November 8th 2023, which had been circulated, were agreed

Casual Vacancy
Two applications had been received, Mr G Holland, Mr D Londsdale, Mr G Holland has now withdrawn his application. Mr Londsdale application had been circulated; he was invited to discuss his application with councillors.
After discussion councillors resolved to accept Mr D Londsdale application to fill the casual vacancy, he signed the acceptance of office & joined the councillors. 


a)	Golden Valley Police, November report circulated, information just received a quad bike has been stolen from Llanacoed
b)	Ward Councillor, updated councillors on issues at Herefordshire Council,also the lengthsmen scheme grant for 2024-2025 and the match funding available.
c)	Police & Crime Commissioner Parish & Town survey circulated, information on PCC funding would be available soon

Agenda Item 7 Planning 
APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 233431 - 14 Dore View, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AJ DESCRIPTION: Fell Callery Pear tree. The tree has become diseased and the canopy is growing over into neighbour’s garden

The application had been passed to Councillor S Goodwin.
No letters of objection or support received, Councillors resolved to support the application.
APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 233424 - The Cote (field barn - part converted), Lower Crossway Farm, Dorstone, Herefordshire, HR3 6AT DESCRIPTION: Conversion and extension of field barn to a dwelling and construction of new vehicular access (part retrospective).
Not yet allocated to planning officer
(This is the barn under construction adjacent to B4348) 
Councillor S Goodwin left the meeting

The application had been passed to Councillor J Morgan who had been unable to visit neighbours.

Officer report from Planning Permission, granted in 2018, had been circulated.
No letters of support or objection received, documents noted on website

Councillors discussed the application, resolved to support the application, providing it complies with the Herefordshire Core Strategy policies RA3 & RA5. (Dorstone Neighbourhood Policies DNP H1 Housing Policy)

Councillor A Phillips would inform neighbours of the application
Councillor S Goodwin rejoined the meeting

Planning Decision
APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 232933 - Corner Cottage, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AN DESCRIPTION: Proposed single story rear extension, first floor rear extension, internal reconfigurations and a front porch

Approved with conditions 

Report on Minerals & Waste local plan
Herefordshire Council received the Inspectors’ Final Report on the Examination of the Herefordshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan on 31 October 2023. 
The Inspector’s Report concludes that, subject to a number of main modifications set out in the Appendix to the report, the Herefordshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan is sound, legally compliant and capable of adoption.
Early next year the council’s Cabinet will decide whether the Minerals and Waste Local Plan should be considered for adoption at the next available Full Council meeting

a) Pay Clerks salary £141.28 November 2023 
b) Pay Herefordshire Council election costs £158.10
c) Pay HMRC £105.90

All payments authorised

d) Councillors considered a precept for 2023-2024, the finance group had met prior to the meeting and recommended a budget of £6500. Councillors discussed the current financial report, the finances were very good, some areas where expenditure was outstanding, councillor training was highlighted and costs for a training session where other parish councils were invited to be raised, clerk salary was below the recommendation & minimum payment from April 1st 2024. Councillors resolved to support the recommendation for a precept of £6500.

Canvass Information new electoral register will be published on 1st December,  
parish councillors are entitled to free copy of the register, information circulated on the procedure. 

Full Fibre Update bringing Full Fibre to Peterchurch exchange
Latest report from Openreach. 127 applications, 76%

It was hoped to hold another information in the village hall, unfortunately Open Reach were not available.

Highway Issues
a) Road closure Brooklands
The road was closed unexpectedly on 14th November, this affected both the service bus, school buses & through traffic in village. The householder has indicated Welsh Water attended to replace a stop tap, this was situated in his newly resurfaced driveway, he would not allow access, they decided to replace the stop tap at the edge of the drive. Clerk has raised with Balfour Beatty the procedure for closure/getting a permit, the weekly work scheduled did not list any road closures in Dorstone. Following week schedule indicated road closure due to leaking communication pipe, awaiting further information.
b) Road closure B4348 Vowchurch, this was closed daytime for work on the junction, contacted Herefordshire Council Public Transport, they had received little advance notice of this, tried, but there would be no public transport services available.
Road closure B4348 Sunday afternoon/Monday morning, this would affect Sunday Public transport, Public Transport not aware, no prewarning signs/information sent out, Balfour Beatty decided to cancel the permit for the road closure

c) Parish Footpath Officers, requested information to submitted for letters of authority from Herefordshire Council to be granted to the Footpath Officers. Information only to be used internally by Herefordshire Council, forwarded to PFO’s

d) BBLP Annual Plan Delivery Session
BBLP together with Herefordshire Council will be delivering sessions in the New Year to provide information to Stakeholders on the services they deliver on contract along with the 24/25 Annual Plan.
 Each meeting will contain the same content and be presented by both Herefordshire Council and Balfour Beatty.
 They will be hosting 3 sessions including an AM, PM and evening (virtual) session. and are hoping by hosting several sessions, everybody will be able to attend.
16th Jan @ 10:00 – 12:00  
17th Jan @ 13:00 – 15:00
22nd Jan on Teams 17:30 – 19:30

Clerk to clarify if these were only online events.
Hosting website   Councillor James had obtained some prices for hosting the website, information on suggestion from Herefordshire Association Local Councils that parish councils use ……Gov.uk would be obtained
Woodbury Hill  Woodbury Hill, adjacent to Moccas Park, naming of Woodbury Hill & Moccas Hill Wood to Gillian’s Wood, Councillor A Phillips/Councillor B James had reported the event had been poorly attended

Herefordshire Council   

      a) Partnership Information bulletin
      b) Talk Community
      c) Home Upgrade grant availability, circulated/sent to Blast
      d) Byelaw for acupuncture, tattooing, cosmetic piercing, electrolysis/ information available
       e) Waste recycling over Christmas, information circulated/sent to Blast

Next Meeting 

Date of next meeting; January 10th 2024/ meetings 2024; second Wednesday of each month.

No further business, chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09-15pm.

Signed ……………………………Councillor A Phillips
January 10th 2024