A meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held in the Old School Hall Dorstone on 
Wednesday July 13th 2022 

Present; Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor L Aubrey-Cosslett, Councillor T Arnott, Councillor A Phillips & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk

Apologies; Councillor D Phillips, Family commitment, Councillor B James, work commitment, Councillor E Wright work commitment.

Ward Councillor is on leave of absence from Herefordshire Council

Also present; Mr & Mrs Gethin, PCSO P Night for Golden Valley Police update

No declaration of Interest from members in any item to be discussed

Mr & Mrs Gethin raised concern over the proposed planning at Cella. A copy of their letter to Herefordshire Council had been received by the council.

The minutes of June 8th 2022 having been circulated, were approved

Golden Valley Police
a) July report
b) Police & Crime Commissioner Survey was completed

a) APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 221904 - Cella Pegler Orchard, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AW 
DESCRIPTION: Proposed two storey extension with link and alterations to existing dwelling

The application had been passed to Councillor A Phillips, copy of letter from Mr & Mrs Gethin received.

Councillors considered the application and resolved to Object to the application
Council have received a copy of the neighbour’s letter and referred to Dorstone Neighbourhood Plan.
Proposed building is within Flood Zone 2 DNP F 1 Flooding (1) 
The proposed building impacts on listed building, and landscape. DNP ENV Policy 1 Conservation Heritage & Landscape (1&2) 
Doubling of size & footprint affecting existing neighbours DNP H2 Housing design criteria, (4) 
Whilst the Parish Council supports small scale business, there is a need to establish scale and nature of business activities associated with the proposed extension & site. DNP E1 Small businesses, Farming & employment

b) Herefordshire Council Local Plan; 2021-2041, consultation, views to be received by July 29th.

The recordings of two online meetings which have taken place as part of the Place Shaping Consultation are now available to view in the 'Document Library'
•	Ward Member Seminar on the 17 June and
•	Parish Council Information Evening on the 20 June
The PowerPoint presentation is also available within the 'Document Library'. Clerk had circulated power point presentation Golden Valley

Clerks’ salary for June £128.44
Data Protection fee £40

Both payments authorised


 B4348, to consider reply from Herefordshire Council.
At this moment in time DfT have not announced any funding rounds that directly impact on highways maintenance, their focus so far this year is more around active and sustainable travel.  Should an announcement be made then we will, of course, seek to include the incomplete aspects of the works that were undertaken using HC Capital at that time. 
As you are no doubt aware the amount of funding that Govt. provides for Highways Maintenance (all aspects) is well below the amount of money that is required to maintain the whole of the asset that we maintain. Our focus this year is centred around the repair of a number of highway structures, providing the opportunity for a “stitch in time” to arrest deterioration.  That said, funding for structures is still some £1.7m short of providing sufficient resource for maintaining a steady state of condition.
 In terms of carriageways, and to help give a little perspective, we currently have a backlog of schemes of around £88m, our investment this year is £3.5m.
 I trust that this explains where we currently are, I am sorry that at this time we cannot commit to any further work on the B4348 at this time

Councillors agreed to defer further consideration until Councillor D Phillips is present

Update on defects
The 30mph repeater sign on B4348 between the playing field & Dore View has been ordered however, we have been advised there isa delay with the supplier for the delivery. 
A job has been raised for the GIVE WAY markings to be reinstated on Village Lane to B4348 Bridge Cottage and this will be handed over to the contractor to carry out in due course. 
The railings on the B4348 opposite Dore View have collapsed and require remedial works. A job has been raised to make safe and this has been completed. The remedial works to replace the visibility fencing has been passed to our Asset Management Team 

Stream Clearance
To receive update on Ponty Weston stream cleaning 
 From BB
a)	I have spoken with Locality Steward in relation to the report and unfortunately, I’m afraid we are not in the position to authorise works to be carried out on or near the watercourse as this is not our asset.
 We would advise approaching the Environmental Agency with the report and the proposed works to be carried out for review

Clerk has resubmitted the request, believe the bridges are HCC asset

Clerk has spoken to the Environment Agency, indicate not their responsibility, have suggested he contact the lead local flood officer at HCC, done this, they referred him to the drainage team BB, awaiting a reply.

Councillor Usher has tried contacting contractor, no response

b)	Update on the sewage discharge into the Ponty-Weston stream by the old telephone kiosk. The sewage is still discharging & smelling, no update from Environment Agency, indicate no funding for response, re-reported

Space Saving Consultation, report from Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett on recent meeting she attended.

Representative to the Dorstone Village Hall Committee, Councillor E Wright has indicated she would be happy to be nominated & would welcome information on the committee work. Councillors agreed to nominate Councillor Wright, Clerk to obtain information on the work of the committee.
Information from Herefordshire Association Local Councils.
Briefing note circulated, accounts documents signature noted, footpath officer training in September
 Herefordshire Council; Information circulated
a) Talk Parish meeting June 22nd, awaiting feedback from the meeting
b) Partnership Information bulletin, circulated
c) Monthly blog from Chief Executive circulated
d) Information on Annual canvass of Electorate
e) British museum talk on Herefordshire Hoards, circulated

Date of next meeting; August 10th 2022,
Councillors considered not holding a meeting in August, agreed next meeting September 14th 2022 unless required

No further business the chairman closed the meeting at 09-15pm.

………………………….  Councillor T Usher

September 28th 2022