A meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held on Wednesday 13th October 2021 at 7-30pm in the Old School Hall Dorstone Present: Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor T Arnott, Councillor B James, Councillor A Phillips, & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk. Apologies; Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett, family commitment, Councillor D Phillips, work commitment, Golden Valley Police work commitment, Councillor J Hewitt unwell. No declaration of interest made. Resignation The chairman had received a letter of resignation from Councillor Mary Hession on September 6th 2021, “I should like to formally resign from the Parish Council as my commitment to the care of my husband makes it impossible for me to continue as a parish councillor. My many years on the council have been interesting and I am happy to continue as a trustee of the Dorstone Relief in Need Charity until the council appoints one of its councillors in my place likewise with the Village Hall Committee” Councillor Mary Hession had been a member of the council for many years, serving as vice chair & leading the Artmarkers project, which resulted in the glass map of the village being produced. Those present thanked her for the work and support given to the council, wishing her best wishes for the future. The chairman would send a letter of thanks on behalf of the council No representation from the Public Minutes of September 8th 2021which had been circulated were approved. Reports a) Ward Councillor, none received b) Golden Valley Police, October report circulated Planning Application No; Planning Consultation – 212354 Site Address; Court House, The Court House, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AW Description; Proposed installation of 12 ground mounted PV panels in a single line along the west end of our northern boundary Application with Councillor Aubrey Cosslett, reported that neighbours had been visited. No planning officer has yet been appointed. Councillors discussed the application, no letters of support or objection received, resolved to support the application Application No; Planning Consultation - 212033 Site Address Dove Cottage, Chapel Lane, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AP; Description; Proposed installation of a free standing louvred terrace veranda over the existing patio area Planning Officer appointed & parish council comments recorded Water Quality monitoring. Presentation on WSA Water Quality Monitoring Dore catchment was to have been given by Marion Wilding Jones, she was unable to attend, she had sent the Chairman information on the quality monitoring being undertaken, copies of data circulated to councillors.. On 05/Sept Team studied the Pont y Weston Brook travelling up the hill to test but the Brook was too dry, The Ford above Dorstone had what was described as the best water seen this summer recoding 0.06mgl PO4. (good water quality target of 0.025mgl P (0.077mgl PO4)), Three places in the village were tested with alarming results, 0.08mgl upstream, versus 0.20mgl in the middle and 0.30mgl the other side (below) the village. A sewage pipe was observed running into the stream, and attempt to test where a biodisc was located was made, insufficient time. Looking at these results, it seems more than one lot of sewage is discharging into the River. River Dore at The Scar 0.10 River Dore at the Bage 0.17 River Dore adjacent B4348 Dorsone 0.11 Councillors requested receiving updates of data recorded Councillor Vacancy The clerk had informed the Herefordshire Council Electorate Office of the resignation, Notice of Vacancy had been produced & displayed, this gave a date when a request for an election had to be made by, (October 14th), if there is no request the vacancy can be filled by co-option. The clerk had looked at other parish council documents and produced a draft Co-Option policy and Council’s Co-option application form. These had been circulated. Query made re eligibility of candidate, “member of European Community” Legislation has not changed as yet regarding European Union Citizens. However, this is now being included in the new Election Bill which is going through Government at the moment. Councillors agreed to adopt both the policy & application form and agreed these will be deposited on website Whilst the council must wait for confirmation that no election was requested, if the vacancy is to be filled by co-option it was agreed the recommended period for applications will be 4 weeks. Finance Clerks salary September £128.46 To reimburse the clerk for spares purchased renovating the old kiosk, £335.80 + £60. Replacement glass, instructions & signs, paint previously supplied by BT Both payments authorised Request received for Precept 2022-2023 by 31st December 2021, agreed preliminary precept at November meeting, final at December meeting. Clerk gave a six month update on finances. Councillors agreed applications under the donation policy to be made by 1st December. Highways Footpath stile damaged Arthurs Stone lane, following complaint to footpath officer this has been reported on Herefordshire Council website, a request made for gate to replace the damaged stile Salt/grit bins damaged on Mynddbrith Road, reported to Balfour Beatty. These have been replaced Spoon Lane, undergrowth overgrown, following complaint to footpath officer clerk had corresponded with Balfour Beatty, also spoke to locality steward who had agreed to have the undergrowth mown. Locality steward has spoken to one landowner re hedge, other hedges need trimming Sign adjacent to Churchyard damaged by vehicle, reported to Balfour Beatty & Golden Valley police, sign repaired. Monthly Ward member update from Balfour Beatty circulated New House Clerk has been in contact with resource centre to obtain information, currently only open part time with restricted access, clerk to arrange to visit Chairman has been in discussion regarding establishing as an informal nature reserve and was waiting to arrange a visit Woodlands for Water Thousands of hectares of new woodland to be planted near rivers and watercourses, this includes the Wye Valley. Project to be carried out by partnership convened of The Rivers Trust, National Trust, Woodland Trust and Beaver Trust Growing trees near water offers benefits for water quality, flood management, biodiversity and climate resilience, helping the nation build back greener. Woodlands to be planted include areas along the Rivers Dore, Planting trees or allowing them to naturally colonise along and around these areas can offer enormous benefits for water quality, flood management, biodiversity and climate resilience. The project aims to help create 3,150 hectares of new ‘riparian woodland’ (trees planted near rivers and watercourses) by 31 March 2025. This will improve around 1000 km of rivers through buffering harmful pollution and helping create more natural riverbanks. Information to be forwarded to Playing Fields Climate & Nature Grant This is open to community groups across the county. Non-profit groups or organisations based in Herefordshire (or a Herefordshire Parish Council) can apply for funding of up to £15,000 for new projects which will deliver carbon reduction and/or ecological enhancement in your community, based around four themes. Community Buildings – for example, energy conservation or efficiency measures Sustainable Transport – for example, community cycle parking or electric vehicle charging points. Nature – this could include tree planting, community allotment projects, or the creation or enhancement of a community nature area. Other Projects – such as waste reduction projects, or community initiatives that promote sustainable lifestyle choices Information to be sent to Village Hall Committee, DFR, Playing Field Committee Herefordshire Council Information circulated: a) Safeguarding Partnership Team Bulletins b) Talk Community newsletter c) Grants availability d) Computer cafes for older people e) Free Weekend Bus Travel Next Meeting Date of next meeting; November 10th 2021 The chairman thanked those attending & closed the meeting at 09.15 election Based on the information given councillors were unable to support the suggestion Date of next meeting Whilst the next meeting was scheduled for May 8th 2019 with a contested election the next meeting dates must be held May 9th to May 23rd. Councillors agreed to next meeting on Wednesday May 15th 2019 Councillor Thomas gave his apologies, he would not be able to attend to hand the chairmanship over.. Date of Parish Meeting Wednesday May 29th 2019. Councillor Thomas thanked Councillors and Clerk for their support during his time as Councillor & Chairman. Councillor Usher thanked Councillor Thomas for his work for the council, especially with the Neighbourhood Plan No further business the chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09.10pm