A Remote Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held on Thursday April 22nd 2021 at 7-30pm
Present: Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor M Hession, Councillor B James, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk. 
Councillor L Aubrey-Cosslett, joined the meeting at 07.50, difficulty with internet connection.
Also present, Ward Councillor J Hewitt, two parishioners
Apologies; Councillor T Arnott, on holiday, Councillor A Phillips, work commitment, Golden Valley Police 
Due to the period of National Mourning the meeting scheduled for April 14th 2021 had to be postponed
Due to the Covid 19 crisis the Parish Council were meeting remotely. The displayed agenda indicated the link to the meeting.
Declaration of Interest; Councillor Usher, payment of invoice received from Golden Valley Web design.
Representation from the public, Mr R Goodwin, asked that infestation of rats in Chapel Lane was added to the next meeting, also speaking on behalf of two parishioners. 
The minutes of meeting March 24th 2021, which had been circulated, were approved
Councillor Hewitt she had been involved with the Children’s Directorate at Herefordshire Council and outlined the recent high court decision and the action taken.
Police, April report circulated
       a) Query received from the tree warden if permission was required to fell the yew tree within the conservation area adjacent to Ponty-Weston Stream.
Clerk informed councillors that trees within a conservation area are covered by the same legislation as trees with a tree protection order. “In conservation areas notice is required for works to trees that have a trunk diameter of more than 75mm measured at 1.5 metres from the ground. Six weeks’ notice must be given
There is no need to get consent in a few special circumstances, when a tree is dead or dangerous, advised to speak to local planning authority about the proposed works, particularly felling, be prepared to prove works falls within an exemption.” 
 Chairman gave his permission for clerk to speak to the owner, he was advised of the query received, it would be on April meeting agenda, the regulations within the conservation area & advised him to speak to the planning officer. No update has been received. Councillors understood the planning officer/enforcement officer intend visiting the site, the clerk to request information on the results of the visit.
Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett joined the meeting
b) Consultation number 210706 
Site Address; Bell House, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire.HR3 6AB
Description: Proposed single storey rear extension to form dining area adjacent to existing kitchen.
No letters of support or objection received; no representation on Herefordshire Council website. The clerk had been granted extension until April 23rd for comments.
Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett had spoken to neighbours, no objections raised. Councillors resolved to support the application
,     a) to pay the clerks salary March £128.44
Payment authorised
Golden Valley Web Design Invoice £100, Councillor Usher left the meeting whilst this was discussed, chaired by Councillor Hession, payment authorised for invoice of £100. 
Donation policy application received from Dorstone History Society. 
The application & Section 137 guidelines had been circulated. The application indicates no other means of funding have been sought.
Clerk had previously informed the History Society “The grant, if allocated, must benefit significant number of local residents with clear evidence of local need and information on other sources/grants applied for.
Money can only be granted under specified acts of parliament, there is provision to maintain a war memorial, but not for the erection of a stone.”
Councillors resolved not to make a contribution to the cost of the stone due to the legislation.
Councillors considered making a contribution under S137, guidelines indicate if the benefit is to only a small number of residents the donation should reflect this.
Councillors resolved not to make a contribution under S137, they considered not appropriate,, they suggested the deceased crews embassy could be contacted, or the RAF to see if funding was available. The clerk had written to Herefordshire Council enquiring if suitable grants are available.
Draft end of year accounts, this indicated income including balance from 2020-2021 £18479.68, expenditure £7568.38, carried forward 2021-2022 £10911.30, refunds of £831.44, carried forward £11742.74. Agreed the accounts could be submitted to the internal auditor
Meetings 2021 The current government restrictions on face to face meetings expire on May 6th, clerk has emailed village hall regarding availability, decision on opening Hall to be made late April.
A legal decision in the High Court, if current legislation allows remote meetings to continue, is being sought on April 17th. The decision could affect the May meeting & Parish meeting. Councillors resolved to hold the May meeting on May 6th, unless remote meetings can continue, and await a decision by the hall committee to decide if the parish meeting can be held in May. Guidance if face to face meetings resumed to be obtained
Illegal Rave An Illegal Rave was held on April 3rd/4th on a site by Bonny Lands, traffic caused problems in the village, a road block on village road was set up by the police and manned by Mr & Mrs Chapman, Mr Short, Jordan Bolton, those attending were generally polite and cleared a lot of rubbish up at the site. Police dealt very well with the problem but initially had difficulty locating the site. There were some problems with dog disturbing sheep, this had been dealt with, and the noise from the rave carried a considerable distance.
The police had been invited to attend the meeting & give an update on the action taken to those who attended & any feedback on how the parish dealt with this.
Councillors were informed of the work done by a small group who attended the site following the rave and picked/removed rubbish left. Mr T Arnott, Mr Scot Larman, Mr P Harvey
Councillors resolved to send a letter thanking those who had manned the road block, cleaned the site & also to the police for how well they had dealt with the problem.
Information had been given to Councillor Arnott on an application which has been made to add the bridleway from Dorstone Hill to the B4348, (Scratchy Face Lane (SS 2345 6789) to Cut Throat Lane (SS 2376 6745). The document indicates there is currently a backlog in dealing with applications, interested parties will be informed.
Councillors agreed to wait for the application
b) Speed of traffic, Councillor Lisa Aubrey-Cosslett had received concern over the speed of traffic through the village & on the B4348 between Playing Field & Bell X roads. The possibility of reducing the speed to 20mph was suggested. Councillors resolved to obtain information on speed reduction,( pre Covid correspondence from Balfour Beatty/Herefordshire Council was taking place)  funding a speed camera, possibly training parishioners to use speed measurement devices, article for facebook recording details of potential speeding vehicles
c) Clerk/Ward members had been invited to attend virtually Balfour Beatty Annual Programme on proposed work this financial year for the Golden Valley.
Drainage on Village Road, Jubilee Bridge to be investigated
Browns lane, was due to be resurfaced March 2020, due to Covid & lack of drainage on the road LS indicated the work had been postponed as previous repairs had been washed away due to lack of drainage. Initial funding had been under Dennis, Herefordshire Council are seeking external procurement for the work, BB not involved. B4348 close to Bage Bungalow, scheduled for work this year, concern raised about deterioration of the edge of road, Locality Steward will re-inspect, he has been in contact with the landowner
Ponty-Weston ditch blockage, indication the landslide has been dealt with, LS to check, requested the ditch down to Ponty-Weston needs attention
Mynddbrith road from B4348 to Millbrook Farm surface dressing
A lack of feedback on the road defects raised, and compatibility of the Herefordshire Council computer and Balfour Beatty computer to be investigated.
A list of proposed work is sent out quarterly for progress to be seen.
Councillors resolved to request Ward councillor to obtain an update on Browns Lane
Herefordshire Association Local Councils, included information on the application to High Court to allow remote meetings to continue.
Consultation https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/local-authority-remote-meetings-call-for-evidence
This call for evidence seeks to understand the experience of local authorities in the whole of the UK regarding remote meetings. This includes authorities in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Closing date June 17th
 Herefordshire Council/Parish Council Summit reports, slides circulated
Information circulated from Herefordshire Council during coronavirus restrictions
a)    Talk Community updates
Date of next meeting provisionally for May 6th 2021, unless remote meetings can continue
Chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 21.15.
Signed…………………………. Councillor T Usher
May 6th 2021