A Remote Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held on Wednesday March 24th 2021 at 7-30pm
Present: Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor M Hession, Councillor L Aubrey-Cosslett, Councillor B James, Councillor A Phillips, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk. 
Apologies; Councillor T Arnott, unwell, Golden Valley Police, Councillor J Hewitt
Due to the Covid 19 crisis the Parish Council were meeting remotely. The displayed agenda indicated the link to the meeting.
No declaration of Interest from members on any item to be discussed made. 
The minutes of meeting February 10th 2021, which had been circulated, were approved
a)    Application 210433
Site Address; Woodbury Farm, Woodbury Lane, Moccas, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 9LB
Description; Proposed change of use of land for the siting of 4No converted railway carriages for glamping purposes and extension of existing hard core tracks for the parking of the vehicles
Dorstone had been consulted as neighbouring parish. The development was not close to the parish boundary, councillors resolved to make no comment.
b)    Planning Decision
Application 202901
Site address Land at Old House, Common Bach, Dorstone, Herefordshire HR3 6BL
Description Proposed self-contained holiday let.
Permission granted with conditions
c)  5 year Housing Land Supply, information circulated from Herefordshire Council
a)    Ward Councillor; no report received
b)    Police, March report circulated
      a) Clerks salary February 2021 £128.47
      b). Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs £100.92
      c) Lengthsman account £573
      d) Herefordshire Association Local Councils subscription 2021-2022 £424-56
Payments authorised
     e) Upkeep of public conveniences, Hall committee had indicated the hall had been closed for the past year, the outside toilets had remained open and had been cleaned weekly; the cost involved including materials was £279.52. Parish Council were requested to reimburse the cost involved as the facilities had been totally for the benefit of the public. Councillors considered the request, agreed to pay the cost of £279.52 due to the provision of the public conveniences totally, during the year, for the benefit of the public.
      d) Update on donation policy applications. Query received from History Society”  “Looking for funds to finance the erection of the memorial stone and the event surrounding the commemoration of the crash site and  memorial to the Lancaster Bomber Crew  at Moccas Park hopefully in July this year. Clerk had informed the grant, if allocated, must benefit significant number of local residents with clear evidence of local need and information on other sources/grants applied for, application form sent.
 The completed forms had been received just prior to the meeting, agreed to defer the application to next meeting, clerk to clarify S137 conditions.
Meetings 2021; The current government restrictions on face to face meetings expire on May 6th, clerk suggested bringing forward May meeting to May 5th., he has  emailed village hall regarding availability as the Annual Parish meeting would have to be held before the end of May. Councillors agreed to bring the May meeting forward to May 5th. 
Community Energy Revolution meeting, Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett had attended, no new information reported, support of local members of parliament should be made.
a) verge cutting 
 “First verge cut is currently scheduled to take place around the May Bank Holiday and the second cut towards the end of the growing season the end of August.
Last year many parishes wished to have only the second verge cut in the late summer on the C & U class road network in the interests of promoting and encouraging biodiversity.”
Councillors considered delaying second cut to late summer, due to the narrowness of roads and the growth in vegetation into the carriageway causing visibility difficulties agreed to observe verges this year with a possibility of identifying sites next year.
b) Chairman & clerk were authorised to sign the Lengthsman contract with Herefordshire Council/BB 2021-2022.
Public Spaces Protection Order Herefordshire Council sought to renew for three years, information circulated councillors, Parochial Church Council (PCC) & Playing Fields Committee, PCC no objection to renewing for three years, Councillors support, Herefordshire Council were informed no objection to renewal of order.
Herefordshire Council
a) Herefordshire Transport Strategy Review, document circulated
b) Herefordshire Car Parking Charges Review, document circulated.
c) Herefordshire Council Budget Consultation slides & website links circulated
d) Herefordshire Council/Parish Council summit Tuesday March 30th, Councillor Usher & Councillor D Phillips were attending.
e) Information circulated from Herefordshire Council during Coronavirus restrictions;  
      a) Talk Community updates
      b) Census 2021
c) Availability of cycle stands to Herefordshire business’s organisations
d) Leaders newsletter
     e) Partnership Information Bulletin
Next Meeting; next meeting April 14th 2021
Signed…………………………. Councillor T Usher
May 6th 2021
        Chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09.40pm