A Remote Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held on Wednesday June 24th 2020 at 7-30pm
Present: Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor M Hession, Councillor T Arnott, Councillor D Phillips, Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett  & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk. 
Due to the Covid 19 crisis the Parish Council were meeting remotely. The displayed agenda indicated that any resident wishing to attend should contact the Clerk (clerkdorstonepc@aol.com) who will arrange for an electronic invitation to the meeting to be made.
Apologies received, Councillor B James, work commitment, Councillor A Phillips, work commitment
Declaration of Interest, Councillor Usher declared an interest in the planning consultation at Great House Farm, his planning application, also in the planning consultation at Pandy B&B, he had a business relationship with the applicant.
Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett declared an interest in the planning application Pandy B&B, immediate neighbour.
No Public present
The minutes of meeting May 27th 2020 were approved
Planning: both applications were available on Herefordshire Council website 
Application No; Planning consultation 200731
Address; Great House Farm, Dorstone, Hereford HR3 6BE
Description; proposed installation of a ground based solar PV.array
The chair was passed to Councillor Hession, Councillor Usher left the meeting. Representation on the website, Herefordshire Council Highways; Construction management plan required, Cadent; awaiting response
No letters of support or objection received, Councillors resolved to support the application
Application No 201579
Address: Pandy B&B, The Pandy Inn, Dorstone, Hereford. HR36AN
Description; Proposed small hexagonal building for use as an additional breakfast room
Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett left the meeting
There were three letters of objection received which were also on the website and a letter from Cadent on the website, additional letter of objection received from Mrs Aubrey-Cosslett which was read out. No letters of support
Councillors resolved not to support the application.
Planning permission granted in 2009 was for four en-suite guest room & one staff room.
Planning permission granted in 2016 was for kitchen, dining area breakfast room, the plan shows seating for eight persons.
Since this application Covid guidance on social distancing has been relaxed, and guidance has been given on eating establishments.
A permanent building is sought for a temporary problem. A temporary problem requires a temporary solution with possible alternatives including staggered eating times, screens, room service of breakfasts or the erection of a small marquee/ gazebo. There is no supporting evidence for this permanent proposed building
Council note three letters of objection, one of which reported that rooms had been rented out during the lockdown, and Cadent letter.
The Parish Council are concerned that construction has started against the instructions of Cadent, and removal of a hedge taken place, the ground should be reinstated and hedge replanted. 
The ground work on the site has been covered by shingle and garden furniture 
Should the planning officer decide to grant planning permission a condition similar to that on application 161965 should be included;
"The herby approved building shall be used as an additional breakfast room ancillary to the existing bed and breakfast business only and not for any other purpose. Specifically it shall not be used as a restaurant serving those who are not staying at the bed and breakfast or to create a separate residential planning unit.
Councillor Usher & Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett re-joined the meeting, Chair returned to Councillor Usher
Planning Decision 
Planning Consultation 192711
Site address; Farmstead, South East of Bage Court, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 5SU
Description; Erection of a cattle shed and a 1 bay extension to an existing general purpose agricultural storage building
Noted in the decision notice was a landscape condition
a) To pay the clerks salary May £125
b) To pay the lengthsmen £764
c) To pay HMRC £94.56
All payments authorised
Drainage Grant has been introduced which parishes with lengthsman can apply for.
“Generally, any works are anticipated to be in line with scope of Lengthsman activities (as specified in Annexe 1, part 2a of your contract) on U & C Class roads. However, if the Parish wishes to undertake other drainage works that fall outside of this scope you can do so as a nominated task (as per section 4.1(b) of the contract)”. 
Agreed an application was made for grant for Autumn 2020 drain cleaning and Spring 2021 drain cleaning also for removing stone on the Ponty-Weston stream
Date of next meeting, July 8th 2020
Chairman thanked those who had attended and closed the meeting at 08-45pm