A meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held on Wednesday December 8th 2021 at   7-30pm in the Old School Hall Dorstone
Present: Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett, Councillor T Arnott, Councillor B James, Councillor A Phillips, & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk. 

Also in attendance PC Rouse (for Golden Valley Police Report)

Apologies; Councillor D Phillips, work commitments 

No declaration of Interest from members in any item to be discussed made

Minutes of November 10th 2021having being circulated were approved

a) Ward Councillor, no reports received
b) Golden Valley Police December report circulated, PC Rouse reported a speed check had been carried out on the B4348 Dore View, 4 cars exceeding speed limit, I driver was booked.

Application No; Planning Consultation - 214075
Site Address; Bell House, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AB Description; Poplar (T1) - Section Dismantle because significant die back in the crown and poses a risk to the adjacent building. Ash (T2) - Section Dismantle due to 50% canopy loss due to Ash Die Back. Group of Leylandii (T3) - Reduce height by 4m due to showing signs at the top of the crown of wind damage 

Application with had been passed to Councillor B James who reported he had visited neighbours

Comments were required by November 30th, extension granted until 9th December.
No letters of support or objection received, Councillors resolved to support the application
Water Quality monitoring
No update on Ponty Weston Stream condition received from Environment Agency.
Councillor Vacancy
Four applications had been received fill the vacancy for a councillor. The planned meeting for interviews on November 24th had to be postponed due to one applicant not being available. It was agreed to hold a meeting on December 20th

a) To pay the Clerks salary November £128.46
b) To pay the HMRC £96.36
c) To pay the lengthsmen £276

All payments authorised.

Tax base Band D properties in Dorstone

Band D equivalent properties 2021/2022 £182.96
Band D equivalent properties 2022/2023 £185.38 

Band D council tax is the standard measure of council tax (all other bands are set as a proportion of the Band D) and is the council tax payable on a Band D dwelling occupied as a main residence

Councillors resolved to request a precept of £6500 for 2022-2023, 


The abandoned car, following rave Bonny Lands, has been removed
Invitation received and circulated to attend the Balfour Beatty annual draft programme 2022-2023 either a virtual meeting or in person. Clerk had attended the virtual meeting.

Dorstone Hill, concern received that an articulated lorry laden with stone had driven up the hill from Bredwardine , this had caused problems with traffic going down the hill unable to pass. Whilst the vehicle may have legitimately been travelling up the hill there was concern that a sign indicates “unsuitable for articulated vehicles” displayed towards the bottom of the hill. Request made that the sign was repositioned to give information prior to the hill.
Councillors after discussion agreed to raise the matter with Balfour Beatty, notify Bredwardine PC first.

Request had been made to move the bus stop sign/access to the bus from the village green. ”The grassy slope which has to be negotiated to access the bus is a hazard for older folk and particularly when wet, risks injury. Moving the stop to the edge of the car park opposite the Pandy would be an obvious solution at minimal cost. This space is already used for another public service in the form of the mobile post van. We have spoken to other residents who favour such a move. 
Councillors discussed the request; the car park is busy, cars parked for occupants attending the front room, Pandy Inn, Tourists, visitors to properties, safety of passengers alighting the bus by the Pandy Inn wall, at this stage Councillors agreed not to support the request.

Request had been made to consider providing steps to access the top of the village green. 
“We have noticed other of our mature residents, present company included, who have difficulty with this, particularly when events take place after dark. There would be merit in providing a few steps to facilitate negotiating the grassy slope.” 
Councillors noted this was the first request received regarding access, Christmas trees had recently been displayed on the village green requiring access, after discussion agreed not to support the request at this stage.
Concern had been received regarding visibility around Pump House corner, the lower part of the hedge had been trimmed, upper part overhanging the road pushing traffic towards the centre of the road. After discussion Councillor Usher agreed to discuss with the owners of Pump House.

Concern had been received regarding the fencing on the glebe land adjacent to the Bridle Path; posts were leaning into the path. Agreed this to be raised with the Diocesan agent

Information on proposed funding for lengthsman/public footpaths from Herefordshire Council, this had been circulated in Leaders Newsletter. The proposal is to give some funding to parish councils with lengthsman for specific tasks.

Herefordshire Association Local Councils, newsletter & information circulated 

Herefordshire Council
Information circulated:
a) Herefordshire Citizens Climate assembly 
b) Herefordshire Council Leaders newsletters
c) Safeguarding Partnership Team Bulletins
d) Talk Community newsletter	
e) Herefordshire Council, Parish Council summit invitation

A thank you note had been received from Mrs Hession on her gift, given by the chairman, following her retirement.

Next meeting
Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett gave her apologies, unable to attend.

The clerk had received a planning consultation
Application No; Planning Consultation - 214268
Site Address; Bell House, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AB 
Description; Demolition of existing single garage
Proposed double garage with bedroom over and conversion of stable block to ancillary residential accommodation
Information would be on the website 9th December, could be discussed on December 20th

 Date of next meeting; January 12th 2022

Chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting 09.10pm