A meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held on Wednesday February 9th 2022 at 7-30pm in the Old School Hall Dorstone
Present: Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor T Arnott, Councillor A Phillips, Councillor D Phillips, Councillor E Wright & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk. 

Also in attendance Ward Councillor Jenny Hewitt
A warm welcome was extended to Councillor E Wright who had signed the declaration of office & completed a register of interest form which the clerk would forward to the monitoring officer at Herefordshire Council

Apologies; Councillor Aubrey-Cosslett, family commitment, Councillor B James, work commitment

Whilst due to Covid there was advice to work from home, no legislation had been made for councils to hold meetings remotely.  

Councillor Wright declared an interest in the planning application for Top Cottage. 
Minutes of February 2nd 2022 having being circulated were approved

a) Ward Councillor Jennie Hewitt gave a brief update on matters from Herefordshire Council.
b) Golden Valley Police February report circulated

APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation - 220144 - Haie Barn The Bage, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 5SU
DESCRIPTION: Proposed conversion of garage into ancillary living accommodation

Application had been passed to Councillor A Phillips
Letters from National Grid, Housing Officer, PADHI on Herefordshire Council website
No letters of support or objection received
Councillors discussed the application, no design or access statement with the application, they resolved to request a statement & extend the consultation to March 10th.
If no information supplied or extension given resolved clerk should make the following comment;
Dorstone Parish Council considered the application at its last meeting, they noted there was no design & access statement for the proposed alterations, this has been raised with Herefordshire Council planning, therefore they are unable to make any comments

APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS; Planning Consultation - 214593 - Top                                                                              Cottage, Dorstone, Hereford Herefordshire HR3 6BL
DESCRIPTION:        Small side/rear extension and refurbishment of existing

Application had been passed to Councillor Arnott
Consultation period extended until February 10th 2022

Councillor Wright left the meeting.

No letters of support or objection received, councillors noted the comments on Herefordshire Council website.
After discussion councillors resolved to support the planning application      Councillor Wright re-joined the meeting

APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS Planning Consultation - 214602 - Gannols Barn, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AD 

DESCRIPTION:    Construction of new vehicular access onto C1208 and new access track

Application had been passed to Councillor D Phillips

Consultation period extended until February 10th 2022
No letters of support or objection received
Councillors noted the transport comments & amended drawing on Herefordshire Council website & resolved to support the application

APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS Planning Consultation - 220171 - Dorstone Playing Field, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AW
Description, erection of replacement community building

Application passed to Councillor T Arnott
Letters from Sports England, Highways & parishioner on web site 
No letters of support or objection received Councillors resolved to support the application for the replacement building, they are concerned with the material to be used on the exterior, would prefer the material to match the adjoining building, toilet/shower/changing rooms, which is timber clad
Spatial Options Consultation 2021-2041, response by 28th February 2022
Although Councillor Usher had registered to attend the recent online meeting, no invitation had been received; Councillors discussed the Rural Option Summary outlining four options for housing distribution. looked in particular at Option 1 & Option 3, small growth in Dorstone, larger growth in Peterchurch. which would be a hub,
Also considered facilities in Hay-On-Wye, parts being in Herefordshire ( Hay & District Farmers, Builders Merchants, Co-Op, some in Wales, Butchers, Post office Dentist ), could be a hub, lack of public transport was an issue travelling to either hubs

Agreed to request an extension on the consultation & copy of the recent discussion

Clerks Salary for January 2022 £128.44
Herefordshire Association Local Councils membership renewal, £452.66

Both payments authorised
Boundary Commission for England information on the booking system to attend the public hearings was now available
a)  Work update, drainage work had been carried out at Jubilee Bridge, both drains had been jetted; granite blocks had been placed downstream adjacent to the outlet pipes in an attempt to avoid blockage. Stream bed downstream was covered in approx. 3feet of stone on the reading of the river depth gauge,
b) Drainage grant, applications invited by 1st April 2022
c) Bi monthly briefing from Balfour Beatty circulated
d) The B4348 by Westbrook Court will be closed for two days from 21st February. Clerk had sought information about the service bus timetable, no buses between 09-30 & 15.30

Information from Herefordshire Council circulated
a) Talk Communities
b) Lets Create Jubilee Celebration fund
c) Leaders news- letter January

Date of next meeting; March 9th 2022

Chairman thanked those who had attended & closed the meeting at 09.25pm 

Signed……………………………….. Councillor T Usher

March 9th 2022