A Remote Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council was held on Thursday May 6th 2021 at 7-30pm Present: Councillor T Usher, Chairman, Councillor M Hession, Councillor T Arnott, Councillor B James, Councillor A Phillips, Councillor D Phillips & Mr C Hendy Parish Council Clerk. Councillor L Aubrey-Cosslett, joined the meeting at 07.37, difficulty with internet connection. Also present, three parishioners Election of a chairman, Councillor Hession proposed Councillor T Usher as chairman, seconded by Councillor D Phillips, no other nominations; Councillor T Usher was unanimously elected. He thanked councillors for their support during the last two years. The clerk to email the acceptance of office form which Councillor Usher was to sign & return. Election of Vice Chairman, Councillor Hession indicated she would not be seeking re-election as vice chairman, she proposed Councillor L Aubrey-Cosslett, seconded by Councillor T Arnott, no other nominations; Councillor L Aubrey-Cosslett was elected vice chairman. Councillor Usher thanked Councillor Hession for her support during the last two years. Apologies; Councillor Hewitt, Ward Councillor, Golden Valley Police No declaration of Interest from members in any item to be discussed made Representation from the Public Rat infestation Chapel Lane, Mr R Goodwin reported on a rat infestation Chapel Lane, he was concerned in the area of the boundary hedge with Charline, rats seen running in his field, four letters had been sent about the problem in the area to Herefordshire Council. Asked by the chairman if he had spoken to residents regarding this, if not recommended contact was made either face to face or by letter with residents before pursuing official action. Councillor L Aubrey-Cosslett indicated there were problems with rats further afield Queen’s Green Canopy project, Mrs K Usher gave a brief outline of the project, to be announced shortly, this was part of the national celebration for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022, celebrating 70 years of service. The Queen’s Green Canopy will encourage everyone to learn more about the best way to plant trees so that they survive and flourish for years to come. People are encouraged to use the summer to plan their Jubilee tree planting projects and be ready for October, three million free saplings, will be available on a first come first served basis, involve the whole community, tree warden, plant tree(s) on playing the field, in hedgerows, any suggestions to Mrs Usher. Minutes of meeting April 22nd 2021having been circulated were approved Planning a) Consultation 211110 Site Address; Caemawr, Arthurs Stone Lane, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AY Description: Proposed replacement field shelter, loafing barn, manage and tracks The application was passed to Councillor T Arnott Councillors noted there was no landscape plan and the measurements on the plan were not clear, agreed clerk to raise with planning officer and the application to be considered on May 26th. Reports; Ward Councillor; none received Police, May report circulated Finance Clerks salary April 2021 £128.47 Payment authorised Insurance policy, clerk reported he was waiting a quote from another insurer, agreed to defer to May 26thmeeting. With the legislation not covering remote meetings it was agreed to cancel the renewal of the Webex account Herefordshire Association Local Councils, decision by high court on remote meetings had been circulated. Information circulated from Herefordshire Council during Coronavirus restrictions a) Talk Community updates Annual Parish Meeting, agreed to hold on May 26th 2021 Date of next main meeting June 9th 2021, planning/finance meeting May 26th 2021 a7-00pm No further business the chairman thanked those who had attended & closed meeting at 9.05pm