Meeting Agenda

Below is the Parish Council Monthly Meeting agenda for 17 July

Councillors are summoned to attend a Meeting of Dorstone Parish Council in the OLD SCHOOL Hall Dorstone on

Wednesday July 17th 2024 at 7-30pm.

Meeting postponed from July 10th 2024 following request from Village Hall Committee to use Village Hall


1) To receive apologies,

2) To receive declaration of Interest from members in any item to be discussed.

3) To receive representation from the Public

4) To receive Minutes June

5) Reports

a) Golden Valley Police,

i) July report circulated

ii) Quarterly Parish Priorities

iii) OPCC survey with parish councils

b) Ward Councillor,

4) Ponty-Weston Stream 

a) To receive report of discolouration of stream

b) To receive concern about smell from stream from outlet pipe below Telephone Kiosk

c) To receive Ecological Assessment Ponty-Weston Stream/River Dore

5) Planning

APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation – 241700 – Old House, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6BL

DESCRIPTION: Application for removal variation of condition 2 following grant of planning permission 202901 (Proposed self-contained holiday let) – to accommodate a change in roof pitch from 25 to 45 and a change in materials for the roof and external walls.

Not yet allocated to Planning Officer

APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: Planning Consultation – 240996 – Court House, Dorstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR3 6AW   

DESCRIPTION: The row of trees consists of a well-grown holly – which we will keep. Six ill-grown thuja – which we want to remove, close planted and intended as a hedge but allowed to grow unchecked. Three beech trees of which we will keep two, but remove one which is close up against one of the other two and two other thuja at the end which we would reduce to six foot

Determination made, work permitted

6) Finance

a) To pay clerks salary for May

b) to pay internal auditor

7) Highways

a) Traffic Regulation Order Bage, to consider lowering speed limit, forth coming speed survey.

b) To consider requesting joining the Flood Warden Scheme

c) Face to Face meeting with Balfour Beatty, report from Councillor D Phillips

d) To consider a request, from some residents, for finger signs showing location of Dorstone Village. Councillor Edmiston.

e) Deterioration of Map & sign adjacent to the Village Hall. Councillor Edmiston

8) To consider supporting the introduction of legislation on the safe disposal of lithium batteries.

9) Herefordshire Council

a) Partnership information

b) Talk Community

c) Herefordshire Floods Group Meeting July 16th 6-00pm

10) Next meeting, to consider holding a meeting on Wednesday August 14th 2024 or next meeting September 11th 2024 at 7-30pm

Christopher Hendy

Parish Council Clerk

July 10th 2024

Telephone 550652,