ANNUAL PARISH Meeting Agenda

Below is the Annual Parish Meeting agenda for 26 May 2021:

Annual Dorstone Parish Meeting

Will be held on

Wednesday May 26th 2021 at 7-30pm in

The Village Hall.

  1. To receive apologies
  2. To receive and approve minutes of Parish Meeting May 29th 2019
  3. To receive the Chairman’s Report
  4. To receive a brief financial report for 2020-2021
  5. An opportunity to raise items for discussion by those present.
  6. To receive reports from representatives of any organisations present.
  7. To receive the balance sheet for Relief in Need

 The Annual Parish meeting is a statutory requirement, must be held between the 1st March and 1st June, additional meetings can be held during the year. The meeting is an opportunity for parishioners to raise items for discussions, if a decision is subsequently made, whilst not binding on the Parish Council, it can be forwarded to them for discussion.


National Association of Local Councils has clarified its understanding of the rule of six, from 17th May until such time as national restrictions are amended or lifted:

  1. Parish Councillors plus the Clerk are outside the rule of six for indoor meetings because they form the body corporate which is exempt as a permitted organised gathering.
  2. Members of the public constitute the rule of six for indoor meetings.
  3. Members of the public have a right to attend face-to-face meetings, should more than six members of the public wish to attend the meeting in person, the meeting may need to take place outdoors or adjourn but not proceed inside.  In inclement weather, meetingwill attend to urgent or time related business only and return to the remaining agenda items after June 21st



Councillor Tony Usher

Chairman Dorstone Parish Council

May 18th 2021