dorstone Parish Council

Your Parish Councillors

Alistair PhilliipsChairmanPlanning, Finance, Infrastucturelink
VacantVice ChairTourism, Renewable Energy, Village Relief in Needlink
David Phillips Financial Oversight, Emergency Coordlink
Ben James Floodinglink
Steve Goodwin  Footpath officerlink
Dawn Edmiston  Footpath officerlink
John Morgan  link
David Lonsdale  link
Christopher HendyParish Clerk  


Dorstone Parish Council meetings are normally held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in the village hall. 

Parishioners who wish to attend should apply to the Parish Clerk.

Declarations of Interest

To view the declarations of interest (DOI) for individual Dorstone Parish Councillors please follow the link related to the councillor’s name.

Resources, Policies & Downloads